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Joyceon Terrel Taylor

Superior court of California County of San Francisco .....

I was facing the judge with my lawyer beside me. I turned around & found Nicki holding my baby girl's hand. I felt so embarrassed & painful on the inside. Seeing my daughter cry because of my stupid actions. Nicki won't even dare to look at me , but I understand. After causing her so much pain & doing her wrong , Why would she ever love me again. Even though I.pleaded not guilty , I knew I was going down.

"After hearing the witness inputs & gathering all the evidence brought to us , Mr Taylor , I find you guilty & hear by sentence you to 15 years in San Francisco County Jail with no chances of parole and whatsoever. The Judge clearly stated.

The white man cop roughly put handcuffs on me & escorted me out of the Court. I looked at Nicki & my baby girl , Ashley for one more time. Ashley started to cry as she watched me leaving the court with handcuffs on.

While comforting Ashley , Nicki shook her head at me. She was completely disappointed at my actions . I'm also disappointed at myself....I had a good thing going & I messed it up.........

I left that court room with tears in my face. When we got out of the building , Journalists & interviews had cameras flashing at me as they took me into the Police vehicle. The officer got into the driver seat & drove away from the media......

Next stop was life behind bars......

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