Field trip

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       Hey hey guys this is the beginning. I know it's really common one, but my friend wanted this one and added a little twist to it.
      Disclaimer- I do not own any marvel characters in this story.

Peter Parker or better know at night as the vigilante of New York, Spider-man. Poor peter had got caught up in crime that night making him extra tired, well more then he normally is.
Peter's brown curls hung loosely in front of his big brown doe eyes. He was struggling to stay awake, and the teacher very monotone voice wasn't helping.
Peter half way listened to the teacher seeing no point in it.
"Blah blah field trip blah blah to avengers tower blah blah blah" peter's shocked and slightly worried face replaced the half asleep one.
Peter could feel the glare and smirk flash was sending his even though he couldn't see him.
"Please grab a permission slips on you way out the door" she calls out waving the paper in the air before setting them on the table nexts to her.
Peter had lived with the avengers and Tony Stark for a little over nine months now, after his aunt passed away from a heart attack. The avengers always made him feel welcome, they were his family, AND NOW HE HAS A FEILD TRIP
       While peter is lost in his thoughts the bell rings. He hurried to the front of the calls grabbing a unwanted slip. As he is walking to the front of the school still trying to think of an excuse to miss school tomorrow, but sadly heard a loud annoying and unwanted voice, flash.
    Great, I mentally sighed to himself.
         "Yo, penis are you ready for your lie to be exposed" he yells a at me even though he is right in front of him.
       "I wonder how Stark will feel about puny orphan Parker" he said with a hate in his voice with each word.
If only he knew how wrong he is I'm not an orphan, puny, or lying, peter thought to himself know it was all lies coming from his mouth, but they still hurt.
      Flash shoved peter against the lockers making him fall to the floor. Flash leaves  laughing at him.
      Peter just pushed himself from the floor, grabbing his backpack. He opened one of the heavy metal doors that lead to the exit of the school. He looked around for Happy, but he never seemed to happy. Peter saw a black corvette sitting in the parking lot and started walking over to it.
Happy was sitting in the driver's seat on his phone most likely waiting on him. He opened the door to the passenger seat and smiled at happy.
"Hey Pete" Happy greeted me as I got in the car.
"Hey uncle Happy" I say back in a more worried voice then I would have liked. I have called happy 'Uncle Happy" after about six months of living with the avenger and Mister Stark. I have called the avengers my aunt's and uncle's after about seven months. It took me a little longer to start calling Mister Stark my dad and Mrs Potts my mom, but they are now.
"You ok kid, you don't sound to happy" Happy asked peter a little worry. Peter just looked a Happy and sighed, while handing the slip of paper with the information about the field trip on it. Happy sat there reading it for a minute then looked at peter with a little amused look on his face.
"It's not funny, all the avengers are going to embarrass me" peter whined a he sunk into the leather black set he was sitting in trying to make himself as small as possible.
"Pete, I'm sure it will be fine" Happy tells the kid who still looks like his world is ending. Peter just looked at Happy and smiled at him nodding his head. They whole way home peter went on rambling about school and other things.
Until peter's phone started to ring so he paused to answer it but when he asked 'hello' there was no response. Just breathing, witch was a little weird and creepy. He hung up after a minute looking at his phone.
        "Who was it Pete" Happy asked knowing not many people call Peter besides his two friends and family do witch are Ned, MJ, Tony, Pepper,Nat,Clint,Steve,Bucky,Rodey, Wanda,Bruce, and they rest of the avengers.
        "Don't know they never answered, I guess it was the wrong number and they didn't want it to be awkward" Peter said with a shrug but was really thinking 'I much rather them had said something instead of just breathing into the phone'.
         They had arrived moments later to the avengers tower, were he lived, were the field trip was. He had forgotten about that until they got home he was to distracted with talking to Happy.
"See ya Pete" Happy calls time Peter while waving bye to him.
"Bye Uncle Happy" Peter calls back to him also waving.
Peter walked in the front door of the huge building in front of him. Hey walked in to see interns walking around doing there jobs the people at the front desk typing away on there computers. He walked over to the elevator as it opened a few people got out but only one other person got on with me.
"Hello Peter, would you like me to inform Mister Stark of your arrival" Friday asked, Friday was Tony's AI.
"No thanks Fri" I responded to the AI. The man next to me must be new because I have never seen him before, and I know almost everyone here. The man is wearing a black suit and tie with black dress shoes and one black eye patch. They next thing peter knows the elevator dings and he gets but not only him but also this new man.
Peter walks straight over to his Aunt Nat and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at him confused, that was until he pointed the the man in black. She chucked a little bit.
"You will find out soon enough" she jokes with me. With those words leaving her mouth my dad (Mr Stark) walks in with my mom (Mrs Potts).
          "Time for the meeting already" My dad whines. I chuckled a little from my dads kiddish ways towards meetings. My Aunt Nat stood up and started walking into the meeting room, I sat do and got out my home work.
         "Pete your coming too" Tony called out to him from in the room. I quickly got up and hurried into the room and took a seat next to my dad. The man peter had saw in the elevator, not that long ago was here too.
"So, Fury what's this pop up meeting about" Steve asked Fury, looking at him questioning all this.
         "Well, Hydra has been more active lately and not just the soldiers but.... red skull" Fury says with little to no fear in his voice.
         "Thanks for the warning" Clint chimed in at that moment. So all Peter knew was that the mans name was fury and hydra the ones who hurt is older brother figure was back at it again. Ever since Bucky had helped him clean up his bruises and cut from his bully's, him and Bucky had been closer like siblings.
Fury shook his head exiting the large meeting room.
Peter then said his goodbye and went off to do his homework.

~The next day~
      Today was the day peter's life would end, not literally but it would feel like it. He sat on the bus with his two friends Ned and MJ. They all three had squeezed into one set. Flash had been mocking him almost the whole way there.
         "Just shut up, I think I'm loosing brain cells just listening to you talk" MJ says turn to flash with an annoyed look on her face. Flash just sat down grumbling to himself.
They pulled up in front of the Avengers tower with kids gasping in awe. They were all called of the bus into the front lobby. Peter stood near the back, but he could still see his dad walk out in front of his class.
The tour went on like normal until the power went out. Luckily peter had his Spider-Man suit on under his clothes. He ran to the bathroom feeling his spidey sense going haywire. He slipped his mask on running out to see twenty to thirty hydra agents.
The power was down so dad couldn't get his iron man suit, and the others would be awhile. My head snapped to face the sound of my dads pained scream caused by the one and only Redskull.
Peter snuck up be hind him aiming his webs at him only for him to move out of the way.

*time skip provided by the merc with a mouth deadpool*

Peter wasn't looking good his dad was being held by two hydra agents as for peter he was almost to tired to move. Peter throw a few more attack, he couldn't go on much longer. As Pete was distracted he was grabbed by Redskull around the neck. The man chuckled as his grip tightened. Peter gasped for air, black dots clouded his vision. Just as peter stop struggling all that was heard was Tony yelling at the man and a few kids crying.
As all hope seem lost the door broke down reveling the other Avengers. They looked pissed as they saw peter being held by his neck. Redskull threw him at a guard to hold him.

After a long battle Redskull was under arrest under fury's super vision. Tony and peter were sent to med bay, and the kids were sent home for the day.

After awhile like four hours peter woke up in med bay greeted by a ginormous group hug. He smiled knowing his family would always have his back.

I know it's bad but I will try to improve the though.

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