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MJ sits beside the sink after flushing the toilet and taking her pregnancy test. Positive. Peter has no idea, he thinks she's just sick. Michelle throws the pregnancy test away and then grabs the bag of trash and brings it outside to the big garbage can and decides to take a look at her neighborhood.

MJ was proud of her life. She had graduated from Syracuse, gotten a job teaching at her old highschool, Midtown High, and gotten married to Peter Parker. Her life was pretty great. Except now she was pregnant (that wasn't making her life bad, she was very excited) and didn't know what to do about it (that was upsetting her). 

MJ walked back inside the home, sitting on the couch grading papers. At around 5, MJ knew to start making dinner. She decided on making burgers, of course, a black bean burger for her, and a regular meat one for Peter. She threw some frozen fries on a pan and put them in the oven, cooking the burgers to perfection. MJ placed them on buns, and scooped fries onto paper plates, setting them at the small table the couple ate at. 

MJ grabbed glasses and a Sprite for herself and a lemonade for Peter. She heard the front door open.

"I'm back, MJ!" Peter called, and MJ sighed.

"Is there a need to call that every time you get home, nobody else comes here besides May, and I can tell the difference?" she called back to him. She heard Peter chuckle a little and kick his shoes off. He walked into the kitchen, and kissed MJ.

Neither of the two really grew out of their teenage looks yet. Peter essentially just looked taller and had less voice cracks, and MJ hadn't gotten any taller, but her face and body had matured a bit more. 

"Thanks for making dinner!" Peter said, washing his hand in the sink. MJ went to sit down and began eating. Dinner was always peaceful. Peter would talk about his day, running Stark Industries with Pepper, watching Morgan each day, trying to get Pepper to adopt a dog, the usual.

MJ filled him on how her day was, sighing about Flash Thompson, the physical education teacher who rambled about nothing in particular.

"Are you feeling better?" Peter asked, a look of concern all over his face.

"Yeah, I think it was just a short stomach bug. That's all."

The rest of the night was uneventful. At around 10, all the lights were turned off, and the couple lay under the covers, listening to the breathing of one another. As the clock showed 11, Peter was asleep, and MJ was awake, tossing about, feeling like she was going to throw up again. Finally, instinct took over and she threw the covers over and bolted to the bathroom. She threw up once more, feeling gross. She flushed the toilet and tied her hair back, washing her hands and brushing her teeth.

When she was done, she sat on the ground, leaning against the bathtub, and she started to cry. She was silent about it, putting her head in her knees, making the occasional sniffling noise. She barely even heard the door open, and soon felt Peter sit beside her, looking tired and worried.

"MJ, what's wrong?" he asked her, putting an arm over her shoulder.

"I'm scared." she said.

"Of what?"

"I'm pregnant." 

Peter took a moment to register the news, his face shocked and excited. So excited.

"MJ! What? Oh my God, you mean...I'M GOING TO BE A DAD?" he asked.

MJ laughed through her crying, which was always funny to watch.

"Y-yeah. I guess so." she stammered.

"Wait, why are you scared?"

"I guess, I'm worried I'll be a bad mother, and I don't know how to take care of a frickin' BABY! That's whole person." she said, trying to wiped away her tears (unsuccessfully).

"M, I'm sure. Confident, in the fact that you'll be a great mother! You're so caring and respectful, but you also know how to convey the fact that you're in charge. You'll be wonderful." Peter assured her.

"Oh yeah, bet." MJ said, and laughed.

"Who should we tell? May? Pepper? Morgan? Ned? Cindy?" Peter wondered aloud.

"Them and only them. But, can we do what my mom did? She didn't tell anyone my name or gender....I guess, except my aunt."

"Of course. Now, I think you should get up off the ground and go to bed." Peter said, sweet but stern.

He helped her up and they made their way to the bed, turning off the lights. Under the covers, MJ felt a little uncomfortable with the tiniest possible swell in her stomach. She shut her eyes, and fell asleep almost immediately.

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