So... What's It Like?

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When Stiles and Derek first started dating, or revealed they were dating is the right phrase, Stiles didn't think it would be a big deal. Sure, he knew it would raise some eyebrows, start conversations... and alright, he knew it would be a big deal.

A big deal to the pack, a big deal to his dad, and basically the whole town he supposed. But it shouldn't have been a big deal, right? Because this was two years worth of mutual (as Derek had reassured him) pining. If Stiles thought he was oblivious, how could the werewolves in his life claim to have heightened sense when they didn't even know?

So yeah, it was a big deal. A big enough deal to where everyone was asking about his relationship with Derek and what Derek was really like? That came as a surprise.

If he was being honest, Stiles could see why. For the most part, Derek didn't change the way he acted around Stiles, at least not in front of the others. Stiles always initiated PDA when they were with the pack or in public. He would worm his way under Derek's arm after their most recent battle with the supernatural, he would snatch Derek's hand into his any chance he got, and he would start every kiss they ever shared.

Stiles didn't mind all this, not at all. Derek was allowed to be weary of a relationship when all his past ones had ended in disaster. Derek was allowed to be uncomfortable starting PDA because he had an image to keep up with his pack; he was still their intimidating alpha. Stiles understood all these things because Derek was his boyfriend and their relationship was their business. Derek was a different person when they were alone; he was sweet and cuddly and considerate and literally the best boyfriend in the world.

It wasn't as if Derek was rude to Stiles when they were in public. He never turned away from a kiss or a chance to keep Stiles close to him. Of course, his signature scowl was always present, but Stiles considered himself an expert at reading Derek and he knew when Derek was truly upset. He was never bothered when Stiles rambled on and on or when he practically crawled all over Derek during pack movie nights. Stiles knew all this and it was his mistake for thinking others did too.

Imagine his surprise when Lydia asked him, "So what's it really like dating Derek Hale?"

Stiles sat with wide eyes and fries hanging out of his mouth until Lydia complained about how disgusting it was. "What do you mean 'what's it like?'"

"I mean," Lydia rolled her eyes as if he was the stupid one here, "what is it like? I mean Derek isn't the most open person in the world. How do you manage?"

"I'm going to be honest with you, I have no idea what you mean." Because to Stiles, Derek was one of the most open people he knew. Derek trusted him with his past and emotions; Derek hadn't let someone in like that in far too long.

Lydia sighed before dropping it altogether and asking him how school was going. So Stiles forgot about it, once again, his mistake.

This time it was Scott after Derek had dropped him off at Scott's house because Stiles' jeep was in the shop again...

Derek had huffed at him about his piece of crap car and how he should just put it out of its misery. Stiles pouted the whole time, but knew Derek didn't really mean it, especially not when there's enough room in the back for him and Derek to have some sexy forest times. So when Stiles kissed Derek goodbye and all Derek did was scowl, Scott didn't get it. He didn't see the playful twitch of Derek's lip or the lack of the crease in Derek's forehead that only showed itself when he was really mad.

As Scott and Stiles were settling in for six hours of straight up video games, Scott asked, "Is that what it's like?"

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows and fiddled with the controller in his hand, wondering why it wouldn't turn on. "Is that what what's like?"

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