Chapter 10

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(A/n): Howdy everyone! Haha, I'm still alive!!! Will dead on the inside, but still somewhat alive. I'm also sick, so yay!!!! To be honest, once school started I have been so busying with a shit load of homework and marching band. That I have forgotten about this book. XD sorry. So here I am, trying to remember this story and what I was going to do. So here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 

real quick, I just want thank you  all for being so nice to me and understanding. I may not responded to all of your guys comments, but i do read them and a lot of them have made me smile and laugh. so thank you again for reading this crappy story and bad grammar  xD

When we finally finished eating Lyds and you went out to go get me a dress. Even though BJ said he can make you one with magic, Lyd said that we needed to have a real quick 'girls night'. While you and lyd where gone everyone else was getting the place set. They decided that they where going to held it outside in the front yard. Also they also were getting Bj to look nice and that. 

"So what type of dress do you want?" lyd ask. You looked at her with a confused look. 

"What do you mean a dress? I don't want a dress! dresses are gross, and I refused to wear one."

"okay, so now I know who will be the man in this relationship!" she responded, you both started to laugh. 

At the shop Lyds finally convinces you to get a dress, mostly because they didn't have any good looking suits. 

"Here try this on!" she gave you a dress and pushed you into a dressing room. You sighed, because you had to wear a dress. You put the dress on and look into the mirror and gasp. It was a long dress that was kinda fluffly, with a big red bow that hugged your waist, but the main reason why you loved it so much was because it was black and white. 

"Okay this is the only dress I will every wear!" Lydia giggled as she knew you would love it. 

After buying the dress, you went back to your old home and got ready. With the help of all the girls doing your hair and makeup. Also helping with the dress because you struggled to put it on. It was now time to go downstairs, when you did you meet your father. Who gave you a compliment and you guys hooked your arms together. A song started to play in the back ground as the door open and you started to walk with your dad. (A creepy old guy hehe). 

You where surprise to see how nice Beetlejuice looked and got all cleaned up.  When BJ saw you he gasp, you couldn't help, but to give a small giggle. 

-blah blah blah wedding stuff-

"(something something something) Beetle and wife! You may now kiss the-" The priest who bj called was't even able to finish what he was saying as you and Beetlejuice both shared a kiss. "The bride" the priest finished as everyone started clapping. You and Bj still haven't move away from away from each other as lyd said,

"Hey there is still kids here!!" you pulled away from Bj with a huge ass blushing face and stutter out sorry. Beetlejuice put his hand on your ass as you both started to walk towards the house. He then left as your father wanted to talk to him. You went inside to get change, but before you could get to the stairs you were stopped. You looked to see who stopped you, it was Otto with a firm grip on your arm. 

"Otto, whats up can you let go of me please!?" you said while trying to keep your calm.  You heard in a low voice as he pulled you closer. 

"If I can't have you.... then no one will." 

"what does that mean? otto please let go of my arm!  You're hurting me!!" you squeaked out. 

Then you felt a sharp pain on your side, you gasped he left go of you and you fell to the ground. You tried to grab the knife and pull it out, but then used his foot to pushed the knife in further. There was tears in your eyes, you were in so much pain, you were too weak to get the knife out. 

You saw as Otto left, Please no! Not like this!! NOT NOW! I STILL WANT TO LIVE! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YET! You wanted to scream, but you couldn't. You continued to try and pulled the knife out as a pool of blood started to come out. Everything was fuzzy it was hard to see, your arms fell to your side as you think you saw a figure appeared with a loud scream. Then your vision went black. 

Please not now! I still want to live! I want to be with him! Please no! 

You could faintly hear someone calling your name, but you couldn't respond back. Was this finally game over? Did finally get one thing you always wanted? Will you never see Beetlejucie or you family ever again? This was all you could think of as you try to hold onto the voice calling your name, but the more you tried to hold onto it the more faint it became. 

(A/n): Helwwooooooooooooooo!!! As you may know I'm still alive, well barely right now, jk. I'm sick right now so life has been fun. I decided to write this on the day I stayed home from school. Which is right now xD.  I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter then the others, but I had such a hard time trying figure out what to do with it. And yes this is not the end! But who knows what will happen! This is a story about death!!!!! hehe. Well see you next time, or when I responded to comments. OwO

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