paying the price

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i turned around and said there's no need to have the gun pointed at me. we can have a conversation with out guns and threats! then i thought maybe not smart to talk back to the guy with the gun. why do you want me to stay i have a home to go to and life to go back to. i don't know how exactly i got in to the mess in the first place and how i got involved in getting rid of the body then i realize that Darryl might thing i was going to shop them to the cops then i point that if i did that i would just be in much trouble as them. Darryl just has a look on his face so i stop talking so he tell me what the problem is. Darryl just stand there so i walk out the the door shuts Darryl turns to the rest of the gang and says he will have to pay the Price for turning his back on us. Jake puts his key in the door opens the door bends down to pick up the mail. mostly junk mail puts them in the coffee table goes to look in the freezer to look what to have for dinner. he doesn't fancy anything so he phones up for a take way Chinese. he ordered chicken curry, the Chinese arrived within 15 minutes it was very good, i send my brother rocco text message saying catch up soon bro. i open my eyes i reach for the remote to check what time it is 3.30 am i groan i must have fell aseep i struggle to stand up i swich off the tv , turned off all the lights and walked trought the hall made my way to the bedroom. i hear this beeping noice keep turning over but the beeping noise wont stop then relise that it my alarm i sit up on my bed then i hear someone banging on the doar for a split moment i think its daryll i put the chain on the door just incase i open the door then its my mother in tears i shut the door and take the chain off the door my mum falls in my arms in bits sobbing in my arms saying over and over again that he's dead. i couldnt really understand what she  was on about when she calmed down a  bit i got her a glass of water. asked her to exsplain what she meant by hes dead. the only thing she could mutter rocco!

i freeze for a few minutes trying to think of  another rocco than my brother cause he counldnt possible be dead it was my brother he was always going to be around he was my big brother he was the person i always went to if had any problems. after a few moments i trid to comfort my mother and try and calm her down andfind out what happened how she found out this news. i went to make her a coffee she asked if i had anything stronger to drink though her sobbing. she started to exsplain  that this middled aged man and women in a ploice uniform chapped my mums door and the women took of her police hat off and looked at my mom in a really sad/sorry way i said can we come we have some in as we have some bad news. my mum just dropped to her knees sobbing as she knew it was ne of her kids she couldnt hold her head up she was crying that my she was having a panic attack her whole word was coming apart her family was falling apart!!

i didnt know what to do so i phoned the on call doctor who talked me through how to calm down my mother. i was to busy/worried about my mum to even let rocco's death sink in. my mums panic attack wasnt getting anybetter i started worrying about her heart and if it was strong enough to cope with her lost of her yongest son. and who done it and why he was killed. after i know my mother was ok i am going to find the person responible for his murder!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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