1 introductions

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we all turn around and look at the doctor and we must have looked in shocked we just all stood there. the boss stepped forward and asked are you sure? the doctor said yes. the doctor put his hand over his face to shut his eyes. the boss turns to us and asks how the hell did this happen!!!

me and uhh him as i say this i think i should know his name by now instead of the tall guy! the tall guy takes over talking and as he explain i finally realise the dead guy belongs to a big gang. the boss wants to know why he was meeting him and why he met him in the middle nowhere. they go in a big argument about his stupidity and asked him if he was seeing him, i must have looked shocked i would never thought that he was gay cause he so big built and really good looking.

the tall guy was like nooo i wasnt seeing him i do have sometaste i will have you know! i met him becasue he phoned me no i dont know how he got my number! saying he had information for me on his gang was going to attack us, i put all the peaces together. that  the guy lying on the ground was trying to leave his gang that tried to hit the all guy over the head must of been a me,ber of his gang trying to take him out! some small guy says we have to get rid of the body we all look at the lifeless body lying on table and i just came up with why dont we dump him at a bad bit of town for somebody to find him so he can get burried propely everybody deserves that! the boss said i like that. my name is daryll he puts his hands out to shake my hand i hesitate say my name is jake daryll says welcome to my gang your in till you die he says will a big smile. the tall guy comes to intrudruce himeself as john. i stare at his nice strong hand as i shake i feel a litttle spark he keeps smiling at me, then daryll says lets go and dump the body at the bad area of town. we go in the black pick up truck as i get in the truck i see in the back that body is covered up as the engine starts i shut my eyes hoping we dont run in to trouble. as we drive along a dark road as all the street lights have been smashed then come around a few people siting on the floor who was sleeping rough, we go though a big tunnel we stopped Darryl gets out and dumps the body then we drive away with out looking back. we get back to the mansion i look to daryll and say what a night that i better get going. i walk towards to the door put my hand on the handle i start to turn it then i hear a click, daryll says you walk out that door it will be your body we dump in the street next!!!!

family and Loyalty 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now