Epilogue 2

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For Wasteland for the Teenaged's one year anniversary (Nov. 8th 2013, which is today, just a year later) I decided to give you guys a second epilogue. It's Vic's letter, at the exact time Iris wrote hers. Enjoy. x



   Sitting down and crossing my legs, I began to search through my old writing journal. Searching exactly what you may ask? I wasn't so sure myself. There was a driven strength to go through old writings. Thankfully, I was smart enough to pack my journals for this tour.

   "Watcha doing, Vic?" Tony chimed in while taking a seat next to me on the couch. It creaked loudly from his weight. The tour bus was in a bad condition but it was better than our old van, that's for damn sure. We were in the back lounge, there wasn't much to see or do, besides the extra couches to sit and lay on after a show.

   "I'm just going through some old writings." I nonchalantly said, shrugging my shoulders with ease. My fingertips gazed some of the thin papers, some were wrinkled, others in almost perfect condition. 

   "It's our day off today, come to the bar with us." He suggested, pointing to the other boys near their bunk beds getting ready for the night.

I shook my head with my nose scrunched. The thought of going to a bar tonight didn't please my mind. It wasn't like I turned down their offer two nights ago. 

   "Alright, do whatever man. See ya soon." Tony patted my shoulder and left to freshen up.

    Shorty, I was once again left alone with my writings. Some were good, others were painfully bad. There were two types of painfully bad in this particular situation that I had found myself in.

   The first painfully bad was that my words were so awful and made absolutely no sense. The second type was the painfully bad were the memories that had given me the inspiration to write whatever piece it may be.

      The more papers I scan through, the dates kept getting older. One of the papers caught my attention, and hastily, I unfold it and began to read it.

September 20th

Dear Iris, 

you see darling, the scars on your wrist

are more than just an awful whim

they leave you with more than just physical outlooks

but rather leaving you being malnourished

As you read this darling,

know that lacking the confidence like you do

isn't a good enough excuse to say that you deserve this

although you know this is true

you still deny of all what you've become


with your eyes strained and red

with your cheeks stained too

know that I see pass through you

even if you can't do that right now

     My aching heart was pounding against my chest. I had been doing so good lately with the topic of Iris. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of her. Every day, constantly, there's always something reminding me of Iris. 

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