5. A Million Hooks Around

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Chapter 5 - A Million Hooks Around

  The sickening pit in my stomach grew more, my protectiveness for Iris has risen from its grave. I shouldn't have left her apartment with him...dammit.

  I'm back at the bus, it's four hours later and I'm still on the fact I don't like Adam at all. I despise him with every bone in me. Besides the fact, he didn't look pleasant but the fact Iris lied to me. She does have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who doesn't make a good impression that is.

  He's someone that has bad news written all over him. He hasn't done anything physically to me, at all. There's just something about him but it seems like I can't put my finger on it. But whatever it is, I'll be keeping my eye out for him and do whatever I need to do to keep Iris safe and away from harms reach. But I can only so much when we're nothing but strangers with memories at this point, and I want to change that more than anything.

  "Hi." Jaime walks into the front lounge, grumpily. I laugh slightly at the sight of him, it's obviously he has a bad ass hangover.

  I watch him take pain killers and eat his morning breakfast but perhaps more like an afternoon lunch considering it's twelve.

  Slowly, each by each the others awaken. Second came Tony then third is Mike - who looks worse out of them.

"So why did you leave the club so early?" Mike eyes me suspiciously as he ate a grilled cheese sandwich.

I shrug my shoulders...Was he onto me?

"Yeah, Vic. Why?" Tony smirks. This didn't look to good.

"Vic got laid!" Jaime howled, and then Mike and Tony start to chant the same sentence as they bang on the table.

"Vic got laid!" 

"Vic got laid!"

I groan, can this day get any worse?

"I didn't." I grumble.

"Oh yeah?" Mike smiles creepily. "Explain the red hair girl in your bed this morning at three."

Fuck... I can't give out that it was Iris, so I decided to go along.

  "Oh her, she's nothing." I shrug, trying to play cool. There's a bang in my heart, Iris isn't just 'nothing'. But the boys don't know that. And as much as I know, Iris doesn't seem too keen on seeing the boys. "Anyway, who's excited for our last concert of the tour?"


  The day is now wrapping up quickly, I've been writing and writing and of course, thinking about Iris. I'm still stuck on the one song that I can't seem to find the lyrics to. Although, I've added a few - which I know Iris won't be pleased about.

But last night, you said you ended up in Palm Springs dancing on tables

Almost fought some bitch at the club (YEAH!)

I haven't gotten far, but it's still something. Maybe I'll get the lyrics once I'm in the studio.

 Sound check has past and we're at the venue, it's packed. Hundreds of hundreds of kids have line up to see us and our opener band - Tonight Alive.

It's crazy to think about it. Never did I imagine having so many amazing supporting fans. It's something I'll never take granted for. I owe them my life. They even support me financially and that's something I can't ever repay.

  I walk through a corridor. I get so easily lost in places like these. I keep track of the arrows that tell me which way I'm heading. With luck, I find the girl I'm looking for.

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