Ch.12: Mission

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"Are we there yet?" Connie asks walking with his hands behind his head.
Commander Hange turns the map in hand, in different directions, as if there might be some hidden message within.
Renir silently frowns at his own map
A few fallen sticks cracks beneath your boots.
" Doesn't it seem like this place is too quite?" You said, looking around.
Sasha looks at you as if she had the same feeling, "'s as if this part of the forest has almost little to no titans roaming around."
" Maybe rabbit meat doesn't suite their taste. What they want is human flesh" Connie smiles creepily, until Sasha hits him on the side of his head.
"Ouch" Connie rubs the side of his head.
You chuckle lightly at the sight, until Sasha starts sniffing around like an animal.
Immediately, all of you look behind as few small animals come scattering around the ground, zipping past you as quickly as they came.
"...Jinxed" Connie mutters under his breathe, as the tops of the trees swayed violently from side to side. A 15m class titan appear into view. It's head nested in between the trees. It's mouth hanging open as drool drips.
Your team stations themselves on top of tree branches, with your blades in hands, ready to strike.
The rustling among the trees nearby become very evident, as what seems like a few mix of 7m and 5m titans come popping out of nowhere.
" is this happening?" You hear Connie stutters a little.
" Don't just sit there now cadets! Slice them up~" you hear Commander Hange shouts from across.
One at a time you swing skillful down, killing one 7m and a few 5 m along the way.
You push youself away from the trees with a push on the heels of your boots. Chips of barks come flying off the trunk as the force of your boot came in contact.
Barely avoiding a small jumper as you swing your way back down.
However, because of the avoidance, your slightly turned body kept you a bit off balance.
Trying your best to adjust your position with light spray of your left gas tank. But your momentum was too fast, as you see yourself cruising toward the opened mouth of a 7m titan.
Holding your blades in front of you, you were ready to pray open it's disturbingly large mouth when it chomps down.
Fortunatly, Sasha had came in time slicing the back of its neck.
And as it comes falling down.
You skillfully push yourself off on its head, doing a backward flip with the aid of the gas tank.
Eyeing ditestfully at the little jumper below that almost bite your toes off.
You lunge yourself straight down, stabbing both of your blades into the eyes of the jumper as it looks up.
A few droplets of blood splattered onto your face and uniform, as you quickly wipes them off your face,as you hear it sizzling.
You unattached the bloody blade from its handles, leaving the blades intact into the titan's eyes, as Renier come swinging by to finish him off.
Landing on the dirt road, you hear a number of what sounds like hoofs beating against the ground.
The sound of the horses grow closer, along with a few red flares were fired into the air nearby.
"Something is not right here, Cadets make way!" Just as Commander Hange said.
A wagon, no four wagons came rolling into view. Small pieces of debris and stones flicking to the side.
Maneuvering from left to right, avoiding the titans corpses as it goes.
Carefully peeking from the tree that you were hiding behind.
Focusing your eyes on the lump of covered mass the wagons are dragging behind them.
You couldn't make out what it was, covered under a large blue sheet of fabric,tided down by two ropes across the wagon.
Looking towards Commander Hange, she glances about, making eye contact with each cadet before signaling.
She holds up a hand, "hold your position"she mouths.
As soon as the last wagon's wheel ran over a serveree titan's arm laying limply in its way.
Commander Hange fires a red flare into the sky.
The 15m titan come falling into the trees, as you see a few green cloaked beings, swarm in on the titan.
Came riding out of the clouds of smoke are Eld, Oluo, Petra and a few other comrades on horse backs riding at full speed, penetrating through the forest. They were hot on the mysterious wagons's heels.
Petra and Oluo quickly spotted your team, and halts their horses with a few other comrades.
On the other hand, Eld after a quick nod toward Petra and Oluo, led the others to continue on their chase.
Petra reached out her hand toward you, " Get on!" You see the others do the same.
Quickly locking your hand to hers, you swing your right leg over her horse.
Sitting behind Petra, tightly holding onto her waist,as your head doge a few low branches here and there.
The chase resumes.
"Where did they come from?" Commander Hange shouted from across, sitting behind Oluo.
The cold breeze swiping across your ears, does not feel good at all. Rubbing your ears quickly with your warm fingers.
Squinting your eyes as you try to look ahead.
" We have no idea, they just poped out of was towards the northern area..." Petra shouts back, her words faded into the wind as she sees the concerning expression on Commander Hange's face.
The sun is setting, painting the trees black, while the background is a smudged mix of yellow orange and reds.
As you and the other venture deeper into the woods, you spot the swaying lanterns rhythmically bumps up and down and side to side.
In the dark, it felt as if they have a life on its own.
The group you are in now, almost seem like they are following blindly. Only eyeing the lanterns wherever it may go.The only thing aiding their vision was the full moon that let it's light seep through the bare branches. Their fallen leaves crunch and rustles beneath the horses.
You were concentrating on the lights ahead, when your bracelet buzzed, this time the light only had a faint green glow, as if something's dying inside.
That got you an idea, since this tracking device was made, might as well to put it to good use. Just cross your fingers that it will work, and if you could just get to one of the wagons....
Gently tapping Petra's shoulder ,you reiterate your thoughts to her.
Petra slightly looks at you worried. " Are you sure?" She says.
You nod, determined and hoping that it might work. This might just be the reason by Commander Erwin lets you go off on your own. Your mission was to become the bait for these wagon bandits or catch them first, then your comrades will follow your tracks --killing two birds with one stone.
Petra rides toward Oluo's horse, as she told Commander Hange about your plan.
Oluo sitting in the front, couldn't help but listen, " you must be crazy.." He said while looking straight ahead.
You look at the back of his head, then resume to Commander Hange, who nods in approval.
At that, Petra nudge carefully on the horse's side. It picks up its pace parallel to Eld's up in the very front. Words were passed on. Carefully transferring yourself from the back of Petra's horse to Eld's.
The wagon driver were skillfully wild as they made a sharp turn ahead.
" good luck and be careful" Petra said, as her horse sinks back to its original formation in her position. You only nodded at her as you tightly holds onto Eld's waist.
The trees seems like they were getting more sparse, and this could be the only time now.
Releasing your left hook then right. You only hover yourself in mid air for a brief second before releasing both hooks again attaching them to a pair of strong tree branches. Utilizing them like a sling shot. You flung yourself with a great burst of air from the tank toward the wagons.
Thankfully, you are able to make it to the back of the last wagon. It was just barely though, as your sweaty palms and finger clutch tightly around a rusty steel handle in the back.
"What was that?" You heard a man say in the front. His voice husky and dry like he needed a drink of water. You quickly duck your head down as low as possible and freeze. Hoping he didn't see you.
Cautiously looking back, you could barely make out any human figures. The only thing you hear and see was a red flare going up to the sky.
You can only believe they are still trailing you.

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