Ch.13: Where to

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Hanging onto the back of the last wagon,your feet is slipping from the wet protruding ledge, as it starts to rain. Your sweaty palms were getting numb from gripping the rusty handle.
Carefully, you pull yourself foward and literally lay on top of the dark blue fabric covering over the wagon. Pulling your green hood over your head, quickly taking a quick glance at the two in the front. They pay no attention to the back as they manage to lose the Survey Crops in these mountainous regions. What's odd about these mountains is that they were all peaks of stones, with little trees. The coldness starts to engulf you as the wagons climb higher. The dampness in the air had made your clothes wet, and they cling uncomfortably to your skin.
You glide your hands over the fabric, hoping to feel out what is underneath.
It feels something like belts over hard leather.
You curled yourself into a ball, as the coldness is starting to get to you. Bringing your freezing hands to your mouth, you puff out smoke as you try to heat up your hands. "this is bad..i can't drift off like this" you thought to yourself.
It was after awhile, that you thought you saw a glow of light in your blurry vision. Then another comes by, as you try to slap yourself awake. "Shoot.." You mutters, they were glows from the fire burning on torches hanging on stone walls.
You glance up to see that it's a huge cave that you guys are entering. Quickly you shift back to hanging onto the rusty handle. You try to get under the wagon when you hear a whistle, then the abrupt stop of the wagon flings you off onto the cold stone ground.
" Look what we have here" followed by a whistle. You open your eyes to see five men looking down at you. They look strong in built, and thug like.
Quickly you slide out the blades as you heave yourself up. Ready to hack away but your stance is shaky, as you are still shivering from the cold.
A few of them chuckled, as you glare at them.One of them takes a step forward,you point your blades toward him, as he smiles at you," I wouldn't do that if I were you." You glance to your side as you hear the cock of a gun, the barrel points right at your head. You helplessly grip the handle of your blade. "Rifles?... They didn't use them when they were begin chased.." you thought, "maybe they were luring us in to kill us off?" You glance at the man in front of you. He still has a smirk on his face, as he swings a rifle from his back into his hands. Using the rifle in his hand like a pointer, he lift your green cloak up with the tip of the barrel. Seeing the Wing of freedom emblem on your uniform jacket, he meets your gaze., As he said to the side," She's one of them. Tie her up."
You lock your gaze on him, as it seems like he is the leader of the group. "Move the loot to the storage." he commands the other three standing around. You can see more man in the back, engulfed in the semi darkness of the cave lite by torch lights as they were unloading.
You glance to the wagon that you were flung off from, as the men untied the ropes, flings the blue sheets to the ground. Just like you thought,they were leather chests. Two man to each,as they were carried away into the deeper part of the cave.
You only glance back to the leader still standing in front of you, when you feel the cold air seeping through your clothes. He had lifted your jacket with the tip of the barrel, glancing at your wet blouse clinging onto your skin. You quickly slap his gun away in detest as you glare at him. He only chuckled at your annoyance as a young man came by with the ropes.
"What took you so long!" The leader scuffs at the young man with ropes in hand.
The young man apologetically bows, as he manage to mutter "sorry, we were setting up another tent for the..." he glances shyly at you " the lady..."

The leader grabs the young man's head, heaving a long sigh," I know you're new,pal. But we don't do nice with the hostages! And who told you to set up a tent, I'm the one ordering around here!" The leader lightly slaps the young man's face and shoves him toward you. " there's no need for another tent, bring her to my quarter."
You were quickly tied up,and unexpectedly knock out by the base of the handle of the rifle that was pointed at you.
You wake up to a soft silky pillow press against your cheek. Feeling unbelievably comfortable, as you had a rough day. Glancing around the interior of a large tent, woven together with layers of fine fabric as you can not hear a single speck of sound from outside. The interior decoration is much like something you would see in Arabian nights. The floor is covered with soft pillows, floored with rugs. The most visible area is the large white futon like bedding next to you, that you wish you can curl up in, if you weren't in such a situation like this.
Your hands are tied behind your back, your legs were tied together by the ankle. You look at yourself, when you realize some pieces of your clothing were missing. Your feet is bare, your cloak, uniform jacket, belt and 3D gear is gone. " what a perv..did he retie me?..." You thought to yourself, as you wiggle around, trying to look for something sharp.
You get yourself onto the edge of the large futon like bed, to get a better view of the interior, when the entrance of the tent, which is just a heavy layer of fabric cut from the tent itself on the sides and bottom,heaves up.
You weren't surprise to see the leader coming in, he was rubbing his hands as he look down at them. He raise one of his eyebrows, looking at you sitting comfortably in his bed. You slowly move yourself to the other side of the bed, as he walks over to you and sits on the other edge. " Eager are we?" he took a strand of your hair brushing it away from your cheek, as you turn away from his touch. He chuckled knowing how annoyed you are.

"But you're getting my bed wet.." He said ,you glance down at the wet clothes that still clings to your body. You were so immerse in finding a way to escape that you forgot about your clothing. You turn your back on him, laying near the edge of the bed.
You feel his warm hands caress your tied hands behind your back " So cold" he whispers to your ear, he had propped himself up laying next to you, as his hand continue to glide over the curve of your waist and slowly unbuttons your blouse near your stomach area.
Your hands grip tightly into a fist, as you feel his tongue licks the rim of your ear. " Sir, we have a problem" the voice on the other side of the tent is almost non-audible if they hadn't slightly lifted the heavy layer of fabric we called the entrance.
The leader's breathe hovers over your neck, as you hear him say," why don't we give you a nice hot bath, then we'll continue."
You feel his weight lift off from the bed and he exists the tent.
You had eyed every corner of the room, looking for something useful, but nothing really is useful. It's just a tent full of things that he can lay on at his own pleasure.
The young man who had retrieved the ropes earlier, comes into the tent.
You look at him holding a pile of logs infront of him with a piece of clothing hanging over his shoulder,as he gaze shyly at you.
"Miss, I'm told to heat up the bath for you."
"Okay.." You simply replies as you thought, "bath? There's a bath in the tent?"
You follow him with your eyes, seeing him go through another fabric entrance that you couldn't see was there.
After a few moments, the young man comes out again, and walks toward you, laying the piece of clothing hung on his shoulder onto the bed.
You glance at it, seeing that it is a man's clothing. You look at the young man fidgeting his fingers and said " ..Are you going to untie me?"
" Oh yes, of course." He quickly gets on his knees and cuts the ropes on you ankles, then freeing your wrists.
You rub on your red marked wrists, then smiles at him and said "Thank you."
He smiles back just as cutely, "the towels are on the night stand next to the tub. If you need anything let me know...I'll be going then." You watch him exit, and quickly stands up from the bed.
Now that your hands are free, you need to plan things out fast, before you get tied up again.
Rampaging through the pillows both on the bed and on the floor.
Now if you could just find some sort of weapon to defend yourself from that Perv.
The futon like bed was just a bit too heavy for you to lift, so you stick you arm under it. Nothing.
You stroll your way through to the bath. In awe by the steamy bath that sits in front of you. Which is a large circular wooden tub, with stones layered and proped underneath with the fire blazing under it.
To your right is the night stand with the towels sitting on top. You take some and hang a few on the rim of the tub for your bath. Frustratingly looking around, nothing in the night stand, no more hidden entrances, as you roam your hands lightly around the interior of the tent.
Something shiny caught your gaze, you smile like a fool, as you grab the fire poker stashed in the back of a pile of logs in a corner.
Quickly grabbing the clothe that was put on your bed, you undress and dip yourself into the hot steamy tub.
"Ah~~ this is the life." you take a glance at the firepoker that you had leaning on the side of your tub, just in case you need it.
After idly sitting in the tub for longer then you intended to. You quickly get dress into the clothes that were given to you, which is just man's clothes that were baggy but not too loose for you to constantly hang onto.
Taking a peek at the bedroom area of the tent, before taking out the poker behind you. " Seems like there really was a problem, he hasn't come back yet." You head straight for the exit. Carefully lifting the flap of fabric, you see that the place where the wagons had stop to unload were now gone. And it seems just too quiet for a place full of bandits.

All around you tents were set up, some with the lights on but most of them were off. Only a few men were heard speaking inside a small tent near yours. As you swiftly pass by them, tightly holding onto the firepoker in your hand.
Making your way towards the back of the cave, where you assumed loots were stored. You had to smuder some torches out in order to dodge the few passerbys. Listening to their reaction, you presume that it happens often in this pretty cold cave. They mutter annoying to themselves. By the end of your walk, you encounter three tunnels.
Which way would you choose?
The one on the right is well lite with torches hanging along the stone walls.
The middle tunnel is cold and dark, but you can feel air flowing through it.
The one on the left is semi well lite but it has an odd statue standing at its entrance.

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