chapter 4 "run away"

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i wake up early im the morning thinking i need to get away so i write a note for Carlisle saying " Dear Daddy, i just had to leave don't come looking for me i will be safe. i promise i'll call soon but i'm going somewhere you and the family can't follow. i don't want you be hurt  by my choice," and i set the note on my computer and ran away. i phase into a wolf and ran i see my bio father and he see's me when i get to where i'm going he picks me up and takes me to the Garrison when i phase back i realize i'm not supposed to be here so i sneak out into the city. when Keith Krogane  see's me i move fast out of his sight. he follows me. i look at the photo in my hand i hit my knees and lye down on the cold floor crying. i feel warm hands pick me up and carry my when i feel a pillow under my head and a blanket on top of me i curl into a ball and sleeps there thinking am i home with Carlisle, or am i with the garrison people. that next morning i wake up to Keith Krogane sitting by my head. i was up by the wall in a second scared stiff. i take the IV from my arm and goes out the window. i go over the gate a d phase into a wolf with blond fur and red, blue,green, and black streaks in it. and i run far from the garrison as possible. " why was i there? I don't belong here in this town do i? who was that was sitting by me," i say to myself as i sit in that same ally looking at the picture of my mother and father then i go back in time so i was like three years old. an officer sees me he gets out if his car and walks over to me and i reach up at him in fear. he picks me up and takes me to the sheriffs office and ask me this question. " little one where are you from?"the officer asks me and i just sit there looking at the plate of food. " i don't know where i'm from my step dad kicked and hit me around like i was nothing sir," i say in a soprano voice. " he died two weeks ago i was to fend for myself until you found me," i say as he picks up the phone. " i found you a home little one, it is the man in your picture," the officer said and picked up a note pad and hands it to me i take it in both hands and put it my blue leather bag. i see the man and the officer nods at me and i get up and i hear thunder and i smile as i hide my face in my long bronze hair. i walk closer to the tall man and i see that he doesn't have any hatred for kids like Marlin did i walk close enough to see his face through my hair. the tall man kneels down and moves my hair from my face. " are you alright young one" the tall man asks me. i just nod. " do you got everything," he asks. i left my bag in the office " can i go get it" i ask as he jumps. he nods. i come back with my bag my note pad and my picture album and my phone. the tall man sees the picture "can i see that picture in your hand," he asks me. " my nanna gave me that picture please don't leave a finger print on it," i say as i hand it to him. "whats your name" he asks as he helps me into hos car putting the plate of food and the picture in my lap. "Sarah June Mason Curdes Krogane Cullen, i am 108 years old," i say making my body go back to the way it was. the tall man just stars at me. "your the girl who ran away this morning," the tall man says. " i am so sorry" i say. " i wanted to stay in that ally so that next morning the officer would find me and send me to you, your Keith Krogane my bio father you found me in Washington state two weeks ago and you left three days after i lied to the officer about Marlin Curdes, Marlin tried to kill me but he failed, my dad Carlisle i needed to keep him safe when i came here to find you, i might be having twins in three months but i need your help Marlin wants all of us dead that means you too," i say as i look at my food and grab a grape and ate it.  the tall man looks at me like i was insane. "sir ik im insane stop looking at me like i am," i say as we pull up to the house and u turn back into the little girl "keep this a secret between us only," i say as i hand him the note Marlin gave me when i was human aged three and the tall man folds it up an puts it in his pocket. i open the door of the car puts all my things in my blue leather bag and hops out of the door  and lands on my feet i hide in my hair again. we walk into the garrison i trip on my a rock and i see my blood i zip my shoes up more so the tall man doesn't see my blood. all i hear is "she's slick, she's bleeding and she's hiding it," someone says. i move my hair to see my brother in a tree he goes back in time to be my age and hops the fence i walk over to him and grabs his hand "why are you here i told you in the letter not to come after me, go home," i say. "home is with you sis i can't leave you come with me come back," he says. "i'll come home when the war is over, tell Carlisle two weeks from now be in his door way with his arms ready, i will be home soon the war is in three days go home and wright me on cooper and send it to my phone i will even face time the family just go and be safe now," i say as he goes home to Carlisle. i walk back to the tall man and i fall again right by his feet he picked me up and i flinched away from him. 

three days later ...

"today's the war lets fight until the end,"i say putting my military outfit on and sneak out my window. leaving a note for Keith that says."dear Keith, this is what i came here for is to fight my war between Lorien  and earth i and the daughter of the prince here where your at so you all stay safe inside i fight for your freedom on the outside. sir i should know that you should be safe with the enver emerald i left you and your family . the emerald had light magic in it just ask it it let u watch me it will, be safe, Sarah Cullen" i set them on my bed by the emerald and a picture of me and my bio parents. 

war ends three hours later....

 i go home to Carlisle bleeding to death from my legs and arms.

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