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Jungkook's POV

It's been three months since Jimin is in the hospital and today I finally can take him home. I'm still not sure what we are right now, sometimes I feel like we're boyfriends again but then the other moment I feel like we're just friends and nothing more. We haven't kissed or something, just the pecks on the forehead that's all.

I smiled when I walked into Jimin's room, he's gonna live with me for the next few months.

''Hi Jiminie!'' I greeted him happily, he was sitting on a chair already doing something on his phone. His stuff is already packed, the only that we needed to do is signing him out and then heading home.

''Hey Jungkookie!'' He greeted back and I'm happy because he finally isn't angry at me anymore.

''Ready to go?'' I asked him, he nodded and stood up to pack his things. ''Nope, you ain't gonna do that, I'll carry everything,'' I said and walked up to him and took his bags.

''I ain't sick anymore Kook!'' He tried to be angry but didn't succeed.

''I don't care, you just came out of your bed for the first time in three months. I'm sure you'll have problems with walking again and then carrying those bags is way too much for you to do. So stop complaining and come with me, we need to sign you out.'' He sighed and mumbled something like 'brat' but then came with me. We arrived at the desk and to my surprise, we saw Seokjin there.

''Hyung!'' Jimin said happily and I smiled too, I didn't expect him to be here.

''Hey Jimin, Jungkook.'' He said smiling.

''What are you doing here Hyung?'' I said while I hugged him after I had placed the bags on the grounds.

''Just wanted to say goodbye to you, I don't know we became pretty close and all. And Jimin, you're one of my favorite patients and I wanted to say goodbye properly.'' He said.

''Thank you Hyung, I really appreciate it,'' Jimin said smiling softly.

''You don't have to thank me Jimin! Anyway let's sign you out, you're free y'know.'' Seokjin laughed. 

After we had signed out, we walked towards my car where we took our final goodbyes to Seokjin-Hyung. After we bit our goodbyes we stepped in and I drove to my house.

''Y'know, I know you don't want me to say it but I really wanna say thank you for everything you're doing to me now. And I'm happy you're still being with me after I was all bitchy and all.'' Jimin suddenly said to me while looking outside the window, probably embarrassed of what he says.

''You already know, but still, you really don't have to thank me for what I'm doing now. I love to take care of you.'' I said and looked at him for a short amount of time since I'm driving. But I caught the smile on his face. We arrived at my house, I stepped out, held the door open for Jimin and then opened the front door. I walked back to take his stuff, when I walked back in I saw Jimin laying on my couch.

''Everything okay baby?'' I said not even noticing that I called him baby, and he didn't seem to notice too since he didn't even react to it.

''It's just... my leg hurts.'' He said and even though he didn't look at me I knew he had tears in his eyes. I walked over to him and sat next to him, I slowly turned him over and I was right. I laid his head on my lap while I softly caressed his hair. 

''It's okay Jimin-ssi, let it all out,'' I said softly and whispered other sweet nothings in his ear. After a few minutes he calmed down, I felt him snuggling into my lap finding a soft spot. He then let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes, I wiped his now dry tears away while smiling fondly at him.

I lifted him in bridal style and carried him to my bedroom. I wanted to walk away but he held my hands, not wanting me to go.

''You have to let go Jiminie, I have to make us dinner,'' I whispered softly while I took his hands to lay them next to him. I walked out of the room on my toes to make us dinner. I cooked dinner which took me about an hour. While cooking I  thought of my future, I truly love Jimin and I do want him to be my boyfriend again. Just of a stupid mistake, he doesn't trust me anymore, at least, I  think so. I have no idea how he looks at me, at our relationship now. But I do know one thing for sure, I don't want him to be my PA anymore. He deserves so much better and he has to walk away too much for that.

I'm finally done with the dinner and walked to my room where I was met with the cutest sight ever. Jimin was snuggled into my duvet and has his head into my pillow, he was curled up which made him look so cute.

''Jiminie... Jimin-ssi... Jimin-ah... Jimin-Hyung... baby?'' I tried to call him away but he didn't wake up. I bent forward and gave him a peck on the forehead, I looked down but he's still sleeping. ''Baby, wake up dinner's ready,'' I said again, I pecked his forehead again but this time I let it last a few seconds longer and I finally saw his eyes fluttering open, cute

''Good evening Jiminie.'' I said while smiling fondly at him.

''Good evening.'' He said with a husky voice. 

''Dinner's ready,'' I said and he nodded.

''Just five minutes more?'' I shook my head, that won't be five minutes. ''Ahh please?'' He pouted and I sighed.

''Just five minutes, but I'm standing here or otherwise you'll be laying here all night,'' I said with a stern voice. 

''Join me in the bed?'' He asked me and I widened my eyes.

''I'd love to, but I'm sure you only say it 'cuz you're half sleeping and not fully aware of what you're saying. You'll regret once you're fully awake.'' I said while staring into his eyes.

''I know what I'm saying Kooks, now come on.'' He said, I sighed and then laid next to him. He immediately turned around so he was facing me now. He wrapped his arm around my waist and stared into my eyes, I hesitated a bit but then did the same. ''I believe you...'' He said softly all of a sudden.

''Thank you, but for what do you believe me?'' I asked confused.

''What happened between you and Tae, I believed what you told me.'' He then said and I guess I can't smile any wider when I heard that.

''Thank you so much Jiminie.'' I said while looking into his eyes. ''But anyway, dinner's getting cold so c'mon,'' I said while sitting straight up.

''But-'' He started but I immediately cut him off.

''No buts, you're coming now. You need to eat, I can count all of your bones if I want to.'' I said jokingly, he sat up too and looked at me.

''Then how many do I have?'' He asked teasingly.

''Dunno, I didn't count them yet.''

''You don't know how many bones an adult has?'' He asked me with disbelief.

''No I don't.''

''You're stupid.''

''Only for you,'' I said grinning which caused him to stand up next to the bed immediately.

''You're being crazy, stand up and eat something. You need it.'' He said with a serious tone and then walked out while I tried my hardest not to laugh out loud.


So I'm not home for a few days now, but seriously I miss my pets already, is that childish? I have honestly no idea.

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