2. Don't Call the Fates Vegan

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Andy's P.O.V

If I had to pick my least favourite season, it would be fall; hands down.

You see, autumn was the most useless season- it wasn't cold enough to wear a jacket, and it wasn't hot enough to go without one. Not to mention that the wind seemed to transform into a wrecking ball whose soul purpose in life was to make you miserable.

It hadn't always been that way. In fact I used to love fall when back when I lived in the country. Every day I would wake up to rows of golden, purple, red, and orange clouds floating down to cover the ground. But now the red represented blood and the purple a box of pills.

Here in the city there weren't pretty colourful trees or crisp morning air- only the bad things about fall.

And today it felt strangely like Autumn, even though my Hot Silent Brothers of the Year calendar clearly said it was summer.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as I continued to walk down one of the abandoned streets in the warehouse district.

My thoughts drifted to what I had told Makai merely twenty minutes ago, even though it seemed like a lifetime had already passed between then and now.

I had told Makai lots crackpot theories and stories, like one about where Jack Sparrow was actually a cross-dressing asexual women who had been abused by zebra when she was younger, prompting her to escape to piracy and get facial hair transplants. But even then she hadn't batted an eyelash; because she was used to it. (I think she finally gave up caring after I told her that Cedric Diggory had an affair with Dumbledoor-including fanart to back it up.)

But this time she had seemed generally taken aback, which was abnormal.

Oh well, each to their own.

The awful fall like wind bit into my sides again, causing me to pull my beat-down army jacket closer to my body. I lived about a forty-minute walk away from the school, but by taking a shortcut through the abandoned and "haunted" streets, I could cut down my walk to twenty- and I even got the bonus of not having to talk to anyone.

Mindlessly, my hand slipped into my jacket pocket and fumbled around blindly until my thumb hit the "next" button on my phone, changing the song from "Voodoo Doll" by Vixx to "House of Memories" by Panic! at The Disco.

In the span of the second it took for one song to cut off and the other to start, I heard what sounded like a door being opened. And when the only doors near you happened to be huge rusted metal monstrosities- it was a very hard sound to miss.

My head whipped around, my white earbuds flying in the wind and tangling with my hair.

Behind me looked the same as the front; rows of old metal factories and warehouses, graffiti decorating every inch, and smashed windows, their glass remains still scattered untouched on the ground. No doors were open, and certainly no one was there.

I narrowed my eyes.

I may not have freaked out over the Pegasus incident- really I didn't care if they were real or if I was the only one who saw it- I was confident in my sanity, and Pegasi weren't horrible creatures set out ti kill the earth.

Unless, of course, the earth eventually became completely made of statues, in which I could see the statue-demolishing-flying-horses as a potential problem. But still, seeing that weird thing had peaked my suspicions about what other things might be out there, even as much as I denied it in my head.

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