Chapter - 4

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"What?" Gaco almost screamed looking at her in horror. "Tonight when the prayers will be offered in shrine, I'll remove the scroll and hide it somewhere safe and nearby. All people will be on the mountain peak offering their prayers, by the time they will realize what is happening, we will be outside the village." she told him her plan but he wasn't satisfied. He was afraid of being chased and killed even before making it out. But Bembyx assured him that she knew her father. He would not let anyone step out of the mountain and will definitely prioritize the search for scroll.

They planned to use it to their advantage to sneak out. But the scroll was sacred and important for the village. So they were only going to move it for long enough for the fog to disappear. They both were scared, but since it was the only way out, they took the chance. As the prayer started, Bembyx silently went into the shrine. The guards saw her, but as one of the elites, they didn't try to stop her. Inside the shrine, she passed through corridors to finally reach the room located just at the middle of the Shrine. There weren't any guards in the corridor nor in the room as access to most parts was prohibited and only few elites could go.

Without making any sound, she dragged open the door, and stepped inside. As she had thought there was no one inside the room. She took the scroll and hid it inside her kimono. She walked back to the entrance, and started her descent on the gunung. She went to the very first house she saw after walking down few stairs. It was her own home. She went inside and took the scroll out of her kimono, she placed it on her father's table in plain sight so that it could easily be found.

Afterwards, she went to the eastern edge of the village which was nearest to Gaco's cabin. She and Gaco had decided to meet there. The fog there had started to disappear already. She sat on a nearby rock waiting for Gaco. Her heartbeat had escalation due to fear and anxiety. She was feeling scared of getting caught and guilty of her actions. But this was the only way for her to save her man's life.

She waited for him impatiently. But soon she realized something was wrong. Fog had disappeared completely but he still wasn't here. "Was he caught?" Just at the thought, her eyes started to well up and she felt as if she was being choked. She could no longer wait. She ran to his cabin. On her way, she didn't find a soul just as they had thought. Which meant all villagers were still praying at the shrine. Then who could have possibly caught him. Her mind was thinking of various possibilities of why he didn't show up.

She reached his cabin, but it was empty. There was no one inside or around it. Nor was there any sign of struggle. She nearly trembled at her next thought. She was sure it couldn't be true but she had to see, just to make sure. She ran back to her house and went inside her father's room. The scroll was gone. She almost collapsed with shock. She didnt want to admit it, the truth couldn't be this horrible. Gaco loved her. He professed his love to her many times. He couldn't betray her. Not like this.

Trembling, she stepped out of the house. The fog had disappeared completely. She could see the foothill villages. And she could also hear the unrest and commotion at shrine. The villagers had realized what had happened.

As soon as the villagers realized that fog had disappeared, chaos descended on the shrine. They were confused, scared and unsure of what was going on. The village head was the first to act on it. He paced into the shrine to check for scroll. He was scared that the magic might have worn off. But as soon as he entered, he found the condition even worse. The scroll was missing. "Stolen!" he thought. But the guards were still outside, how could it be stolen.

He went out and asked the guards about it. He was shocked to find out his own daughter had entered the shrine. He went into the courtyard and urged for the people to calm down. Shamefully, he informed them about the theft. His head was bowed down as he apologised and further informed them the culprit was his own daughter. He urged the guards and the villagers to start searching for it to avoid any mishappening. Without the fog, the whole village felt naked, in the pure sight of people.

They started looking for the scroll and Bembyx. They searched the house of village head, Gaco's cabin, the shrine itself and every other place they could be. While the guards went into the forest looking for her. The Head still couldn't believe his daughter had done such a pathetic act. He had been informed of Gaco's disappearance as well. And it didn't take him long to understand they were together in this.

At the foothills villages, people were amazed to see the fog cleared for the first time. And then they could see what looked like houses near the mountain top. Some said it was a village for evil spirits and devils, while others said that those lost in the fog lived there. Some even wanted to go look for their lost family or friends. But the elderly still stood with there belief of it being a haunted land and stopped them.

They were deciding on their course of action when they heard neigh of horses from far away. Soon there was chaos everywhere as people started hiding or fleeing. They were bandits. A horde of horses soon came into view with people riding with torches. As they passed through the village, there were screams everywhere. But to everyone's surprise, they didn't harm the village. Instead rode towards the gunung.

After realizing Gaco was missing, Bembyx went into the woods to look for him and get the scroll back. But soon she heard people calling and searching for her. As the voices came nearer, she realized it might be better to go back. The village was in turmoil and she was the reason. She wasn't helping them by going missing like this. She needed to own upto her mistake and help them find the scroll.

The guards were looking for her everywhere in the woods when suddenly she came out from behind a tree and showed herself. They took her back to the village where one of the guard asked her for scroll. She told them that she had lost it and about everything that happened afterwards. The Head and the villagers were angry at her, but they didn't have time for this. So they started discussing on how to deal with foothill villages if they show up on mountain and how to get the scroll back.

Just then, few children came running. They said that a flood of light was moving towards them. The elders went to see and saw a number of horsemen riding towards them. They were holding torches. When the horde came nearer, they could see the weapons in their hands.


The villagers started to run hiding the kids into their homes. Bembyx stood right where she was. Her thoughts had frozen. She couldn't believe it was real. She felt as if the world had stopped. The men finally came into view. Gaco. It was Gaco riding in front. He rode towards her with his sword in hand and just as he got near her, he swinged it. But then, abruptly it stopped. He looked down at her from the corner of his eye, and smirking, he said "Maybe you should see all this with your own eyes". Saying that he rode away.

She stood there like stone, just staring as she saw the people around her running, getting slashed. The houses were torched and women and children slaughtered. Few men came down of their horses and went inside the houses. They dragged those who were hiding in their houses outside and then slashed them. Many men were torched alive by the bandits.

Bembyx kept looking at Gaco as if nothing else existed in the world. She knew it was her last moment and wanted to remember, the sight of him laughing and enjoying the slaughter like a monster, in her afterlife. Momentarily, she closed her eyes to say her last prayer. And just then, she felt a severe pain and numbness as she collapsed to her death.

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