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Before monster could get close to me i ran, I actually ran and sat beside mom who was busy checking Gucci bags on her phone.

Milli I won't spare you i heard Meera's voice coming closer and closer.

You sure won't i screamed back and a angry Meera was standing infront of me.

Mom Meera just started her sentense when mom cutted her off by a "Shh Meera! If i have right then you are 23, you should be more mature then your little sister and coming to Nutella you did same thing to Milli last time didn't you? Know you both listen know! If this happen again i will make sure you won't see a Nutella jar again understood me? She said as her last sentense and went up stairs.

Woow i was shocked! Did mom just? She took my side for th first time ever. I can't even believe if this was true, i hope i wasn't day dreaming after a shock. 

I was  surprised that monster was still standing infront of me. What know i rudly asked? 

You can't mind your manners but atleast do it infront of my boyfriend she said replied!

Your saying as if he is coming for a family dinner i said back looking at a monster who was chilled out know.

Well your right! It have been 1 year today since I and Varun started to date, so i invited him for a family dinner so mind your manners today is the last thing she says and walked onto her room.

Wait! My guessing game. Why was it so strong at this point? Varun coming for dinner. TODAY! 

I ran upstairs and opened my dairy

"Things happen for a reason! BUT CAN I DUCKING KNOW THE REASON THIS TIME? You know what? My sisters hot boyfriend aka the superstar aka my first crush aka VARUN DHAWAN was coming for a family dinner tonight. DO YOU THINK THAT IT'S POSSIBLE TO HAVE A HOT AS FUGDE GUY INFRONT OF YOU AND NOT DROOL OVER HIM?

Thats the last line i wrote and closed the dairy and nicely placed it on the desk beside. 

I can't stay at my room i mean what if he though i was mental? NO. NO. I can't even think about it gosh. 

I have to do something, i mean i can atleast make a good first impression. 

I will cook! 

What? Mom literally puked out water from heter mouth. 

Milli you know that you can't cook, you don't want your sister to be ashamed infront of her boyfriend don't you?

Mom please, please, please! When ever i had friends over Meera cooked and know when "Ji ju gi" is coming its my turn i said and made a crying face not because she won't let me cook but because what i just called Varun.

"Dekho beta" mom started again when my please cutted her sentense off.

Ok ji, but ek request pe she said in her cute hinglish.

Yeah sure whatever you say? I answered her slavory (yeah it was slavory)

Ask Meera what Varun like and she called Meera downstairs.

If monster got to knew that i was cooking then she would kill me but before i could say something she was standing in front of my and by know she even knew that i was going to cook.

Maybe that was the only reason she said: You must be joking? Cooking isn't as easy as singing a rubish song. 

But i promise that i want mess things up i said giving Meera a puppy face.

What if you do? She asked.

Wait so she wanted to argue with the argument queen? Then let this start.

And what if i don't i replied rudly?

You can't even eat properly and you want to cook? 

GIRLS! Mom screamed. Stop you both. Milli is going to cook! But only if she accept to cook Varuns favorite Biriyaani Monster added.

Do you accept my challenge monster said looking playful at my direction and i said YES, without even thinking about what or how you make Biriyaani.

Hey guys, Finally part 2. Leave your reviews down below and i am sorry bc this isn't so good as the part 1 but what do you guys think? How will it go for Milli? Will she beable to impress her sister's boyfriend or will this all take a turn. 

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