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I wish I could go back to the day I met you, just so I could walk straight past you.



His hands stroked my loose hair as my nose buried in his jeans and my sobs sounding like dying cats scratching the walls in there last moments.

"Your snot is such a pleasing sight on my pants. Please, blow more."

I let out a half cry half laugh. I sat up wiping my eyes. His eyes soften as he clicked his tongue.

"You look pretty even when you cry. Sad, I look like a terrible mess." 

I shook my head and pinned my hair up. "Please I bet I have a runny red nose, puffy cat eye's and a lip full of bite mark indents from chewing."

He studied my face then nodded. "Yeah you look hideous."

I grabbed the nearest pillow and chucked it at him. He laughed and fell on his back grabbing the pillow.

"Your a ass."

He sat up and got off the bed. "Oh I can show you a ass."

I looked at him in confusement then my eyes widen in horror as he slid off his jeans and chucked off his Vans and he lifted his boxers higher on his waist, almost over his stomach.

"Mickey what the-"

He shook his head and started dancing, shaking his hips. He was really good at moving his hips surprisingly.

Suddenly his back faced me and he started clenching his cheeks.

"Look at this wonderful juicy ass." He pointed and twerked shaking it up and down and left and right. I covered my mouth , eyes widen horrified. When he finished he turned to me with pursed lips.

We stared at one another and burst out laughing, falling on our backs.


I stared at my blank screen computer. The Blinking Line waiting for me to begin my writing assignment for Mr. Greening.

I cracked my knuckles and rolled my neck, licking my lips. I set aside my plate of cupcakes and my drink of milk at my feet. 

I turned on my phone too see it fully charged. A text message popped up from mickey.

Mickey the mouse:

Write something good for me, good luck baby girl.

I smiled and typed back, 'thx'

I clicked off my phone after setting up my music. Then I began writing to the song of 'lily' by Alan walker, K-391m and Emelie Hollow. (Song above)


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It all begin as I turned the age of 9 of age. I starting loving the way words express such strong feelings that no action can ever relate too. She showed it too me. At such a young age she wrote poems, notes, little ideas at the corner of each napkin she found pushing it to me across the table. My favorite Author you ask? Is my dearest mother. Her eyes told stories no other one could ever tell. Her bright twinkly grey eye's. Every day I crawl beneath her as she ties her hair in a bun, a pencil sticking out, The corner of her lips between her teeth and her fingers clashing rapidly across the key board. Sometimes she would smile at me winking as I ate my favorite coffee cake in the diner, sliding a brown folded napkin covered in her fancy handwriting. She is My favorite author, for she brings the words in my thoughts, the ideas in my brain and the creativity in my fingers as I rapidly press each letter covered key so they can create magic across the screen. One day my words will travel across the world and it would not only be my words but my dearest mother words. She would smile over me as she nods her head in approval or whisper corrections in my ears. The only person to stop me from writing is her and the reason why I say that is because Myself and her both knows, There is no way neither of us will ever stop writing. She brings the creativity out of my fingers. She is the one who led me down the Emily Dickinson road. So now as I type out my reason behind my favorite Author, Trust and Believe, There behind me is my mother nodding her head in approval, pencil in her brown hair and smile spread out on her angelic face.

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I clicked sent and leaned back in my chair. The whoosh sound of the Email sending towards my professor sent a smile across my lips. I do hope this gives me a A+...


I exit my bathroom, towel drying my hair. I felt relaxed and comfortable in my Duck covered shorts and my White skin fitted Tang top, On my feet was my blue and white bootie furry socks and my hair now damped but not dripping fell over my shoulders.

My phone buzzed and i picked it up with my toothbrush in my mouth.

Mickey the Mouse:

Sleepover still on?

I glanced at my desk covered in Snacks and Mountain Dew soda in the corner. Red cups on my bed and my Computer ready and loaded with my new Netflix account.

I smiled excitedly. 

To Mickey the mouse:

Duh! Just waiting for the guest of honor!

Mickey sent a Tongue emoji and i clicked off my phone.

i sat on my bed combing out my hair with my fingers. A knock was heard and i got off my bed quickly, i opened the door and Mickey barged in.

"Whats up!" He squeeled. I laughed and closed the door.

He was dressed in Black Nike Joggers with A V-cut White shirt. His Dirty Blonde hair was sticking in every directions as if he ran his fingers through it constantly. His dorky glasses now off his face showing his Crystal chocolate brown eyes.

He was handsome to be honest, If he wasn't gay i couldn't lie and say i wouldn't crush on him. I mean who wouldn't? His sharp jaw line and sweet opening eyes would make girls like me fall.

But he wasn't straight and again, i wouldn't change that.

He set his bag down and put his phone ontop of my closed laptop.

He turned to me and rested his hands on his hips eyeing me up and down. Then he sticked his index finger out, giding it up and down over me.

"You need a makeover." He clapped his hands. "Let's go out! Show that sucker what he is missing out!"

Maybe it was because i was tired of feeling hurt by Neville and his difficult emotions, or the fact that i never been to a club and there's a first for everything, or even the fact that i indeed wanted to show off to Neville that i don't need him anymore and i could Handle myself and that i am not a child. But i felt a bolt of confident of myself and found myself nodding to Mickey Suggestion.

"Lets do it."

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