Hi Lovelies,
Welcome to the first Taekook Recommendations book!
Here you will find about 200 Taekook fics! Yes, 200 different variations of Taekook fics! I hope you have found what you were looking for. ;)
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For me, I take hours looking for the perfect Taekook fics that would keep me on my toes. So, I figure, might as well help those who are also struggling just like me in looking for that perfect Taekookfics as well. You're welcome :)
Also, let me know if any of you guys have read any of these fanfics and what you think about it. I would love to read your guys' feedback.
ps. I also have a second Taekook Recommendations book, yes, with more Taekook fics! If you are interested, you may want to check that out as well.
~<3 _taekookisbae_

The Best Taekook Fanfics (Recommendations)
RandomBook I Bored out of your mind? Looking for a new Taekook fanfic? Check this out, you might like one of these recommendations. From werewolf to vampire taekook, from fluff to smut, from melancholy to comedy, and from heartbreak to happiness; you name...