Written By: ImbusystanningBTS
Summary: The two biggest units in the world are the Ivory unit and the Firestone unit, their leaders use to be friends but when the two units get to cocky war ensues. Jeon Jungkook, the son of the Firestone leader, always loves to take walks on the neutral grounds, Kim Taehyung, the son of the Ivory unit, loves to draw on neutral grounds, one day fate decides they need to meet. What happens next?
Status: Ongoing.
Recommended By: Imjustherefortheteas
The Best Taekook Fanfics (Recommendations)
RandomBook I Bored out of your mind? Looking for a new Taekook fanfic? Check this out, you might like one of these recommendations. From werewolf to vampire taekook, from fluff to smut, from melancholy to comedy, and from heartbreak to happiness; you name...