Give Me Strength

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Reggie Pereira was a 18 year old teenager, he was relatively tall, slightly tanned, with an average face, perfectly symmetrical, and sky blue eyes, with very sharp features and like most other teenagers he went to high school, like most other teenagers he had an ever increasing social circle of friends, like most other teenagers he went to parties and spent his parent's money. Unlike most other teenagers however, Reggie had sold his soul to the devil, quite literally.

It all happened when he was 16, his grades were sliding rapidly, his parents were in the midst of a divorce and he had just broken up with his girlfriend. Feeling that he had nothing left to lose, he decided that he wanted an early departure from this wretched world, he had decided to commit suicide. As he stood in his bathroom with a box cutter, preparing to slit his wrists. The lights in his bathroom had began to flicker, the air which was still suddenly grew cold and whirled around his body, his mirror had cracked, his reflection cut off by the hundred spiderwebs that appeared across the mirror. The darkness at the edge of the bathroom slowly seeped to creep in towards him. Then, he had heard a voice.

"Hey kid, what are you doing?" it said, beckoningly. Reggie had laughed, he thought he was going mad, like it was his brain's way of stopping himself from comitting suicide. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he heard the voice again.

"Trying to commit suicide are we?" the voice had said. It sounded distorted, not like a normal human's voice, faint, faraway, yet strangely near. Reggie decided to humour this voice, showing no fear.

"Yea, so what's it to you?" He had answered, his tone had started out menacing, but towards the end of his sentence he felt silly talking to thin air and his "you." came out as an awkward whisper.

"Hohoho, you got some spunk kid, i like that." The voice had said, bemused.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Reggie had asked.

"Seeing as how you dislike your current life, how about we make a deal. My name is Alastor, i can grant you release from this miserable life, make a deal with me, i can grant you power, fame and turn your upside down world back up. WIthin reason, of course. What say you?" the voice questioned.

"And what do i offer you in return?" Reggie asked once more, intrigued.

"you simply offer me half your remaining natural lifespan on this earth, there will be no other penalties for you." The voice replied.

"You.. You mean i don't go to hell after i die?" Reggie, now really interested, had asked quickly.

The voice laughed, it wasn't an evil laugh, it wasn't maniacal, it was a good natured laugh, the kind of laugh you would give to a little child when he said something stupid. "No, no you won't, heaven and hell isn't all black and white my friend, it isn't all that it's cut out to be."  The voice had eventually said.

"So, i get money, power and fame if I strike that deal with you?" Reggie questioned.

"Within reason, I can't make you president, or leader of the world, but i can grant you strength, and knowledge, for that upcoming test for example." The voice had said. Reggie swore he detected a hint of playfullness in it.

He considered the proposition, half of his remaining life, in exchange for power, and of course, good grades. Well shit, he would rather live half his lifespan happy than spend a full lifetime miserable and possibly commiting suicide again.

"FIne i accept. By the way how did you know i was going to take a test soon?" Reggie had asked.

"Don't underestimate demons my friend. Very well then, the contract is done." The voice had said.

The bathroom lights went completely out, then turned on again. The mirror that had cracked was now completely flawless, there was no cold wind in the bathroom, and Reggie wondered if he had been imagining the whole thing. One thing was for sure, he had lost the will to commit suicide, he threw the box cutter into his dustbin, and with strangely renewed confidence, went to bed.

--The next day--

Reggie woke up with a start, he looked around his room, stretched out his hands and stared at them. Nothing seemed different, he didn't even feel different. He was really beginning to wonder if the events of the night before had been some sick twisted dream where he was fantasizing about an escape from his reality.

"Good morning." A voice had said. Reggie froze, it was definitely the same voice from the bathroom. So it hadn't been a dream.

"So how does this work? Why don't i feel any different?" Reggie asked, to no one in particular.

"I needed the night to properly fuse with your body." The voice had said.

"Fuse... with my body? Wait.. wait wait wait wait." Reggie had said, he paused, collecting his thoughts, "You mean you are inside me?".

"Inside? No." The voice chuckled, "In essence I am now a part of your spirit, a part of your personality. I am not inside you. I am YOU." The voice said. Then it continued, "So you can refrain from talking aloud, it'll make you look crazy, just think about what you want to ask and i can hear you loud and clear."

"Well holy shit I AM going crazy." Reggie had thought to himself.

"No you aren't." The voice replied.

Reggie rubbed his eyes and stared out the window. One way or the other, it was going to be a looooooong day.

-end of chapter 1-

So this is the beginning of my new story. i sort of have adhd when it comes to stories, whenever i get inspiration i'll write, and today i had just watched the movie, the possession and thought of all the cool things that little creepy possessed girl could do, and was inspired to try making a story with my own little twist, they'll be more to come but this will mostly be an action book :) thanks for reading :) Oh and the title was inspired by people who would pray to gods to ask them to give them strength, and so i sort of used it :)

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