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Naomi pov

Today was the day Ava was going to see if she is having a girl or a boy and I'm so happy Derwin is staying at the house because him and Ava are not on such good terms now she said he has to say sorry for having her at the house with no one to talk to.When I got up I found some clothes and got in the shower.I put on a pink tank top,a Jean vest that was bleached,and blue sandals and to top it off I put on some hoop earrings,and a necklace that had Naomi on it and I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom and saw Derwin up and on his phone

"Hey Nae"

"Hey and bye Derwin"


Then he got up and ran to me and gave me a kiss then we were kissing until "Aye I see yall good now and I can tell by looking at yall neck" Dee said busting in the room when he said that I ran to the mirror "Damn it Derwin" then Dee and Derwin were laughing I hate foundation but I had to put some on because we are about to go out in public and I don't want to get looked at crazy then I walked out the bathroom and see Ava in a purple tank top,bleached jeans and some black sandals and with the tank top you could see her baby bump and it was cute on her

"Lets go hoes" Ava said snapping her fingers then all of us got out of me and Derwin's room and we went in Dee's Range Rover he sold his Mustang and got one and its all white then after about 50 minutes we were there "you ready to see if we have a prince or a princess growing in there" Dee said "yes" Ava said.looking nervous then Dee gave Ava a kiss its cute but I wanted to be me "ewwww" I said like a little child "now Naomi I know you now saying that after I saw you and Derwin eating each other face and when I looked at yo neck it looked like you got in a fight it it looked like they was going for yo neck" Dee said I just looked at his ass I'm beat his ass when we go back to the house then we went in the waiting room and after 13 minutes "Ava Copper" and yes she was told her last name was Richard for a long time but she knows her real last name then we went inside the office and her doctor name name was Doctor Gray and he is a nice man and Dee hates that he is a man helping Ava give birth to his baby but Dr.Gray is about 50 or 51 he has seen alot of babies come out I know "well hello guys" then he hugs me and Ava and shakes Dee hand

"Hey" we all said

"Well how have you been Ava"

"Oh good all I do is eat"

"Ava you just eat more then you did we can't lie when you were not pregnant you ate more then me and I know I'm a fat ass" I said and everyone laughed but Ava

"Ok lets get down to what we are here for you ready to se what is growing in there" Dr.Gray said

"More then ready"Ava said smiling

"You know what to do" then Ava rose her shirt up and Dr.Gray got some stuff out and rubbed it on her stomach and after about 2 minuets we saw something "there he is congratulations Ava and Dee you will be having a boy"Dr.Gray said

And he had me and Ava crying Dee had a tear fall from one of his eyes

then he took pictures and walked out "Keshaun Kyle Jones it is" Dee said smiling

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