Chapter 1

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I woke up to my annoying alarm clock beeping. I turn my head and read 7:00 on the clock. I slowly sit my way up and grab the clothes I rested on my cabinet the previous night. I put on my striped t-shirt and my skinny jeans. Grabbing my backpack I ran downstairs and sat at the breakfast table in the corner of my kitchen, next to three big windows showing the rundown house of our neighbors. My mom brought me my scrambled eggs and toast. I started eating as my mom went to get me a cup of orange juice. My pug El ran over to me and started licking my leg. When my mom wasn't looking I fed her a fork-full of eggs. I put my plate in the sink gave a side hug to my mom and grabbed my jacket, because it was winter and it was freezing, then ran out the door yelling "love you!" 

School is not that far from where I live so I usually walk. I see the family of foster kids walking out of their house. One of them, Freddy, is in my grade. I ran up in front of them so I don't get stuck behind them at the security scanner. As I watch my backpack pass through the scanner I walk through and wait for it to come out after it gets checked. I grab it and ran to my locker. As i opened my locker my friend Danielle comes and stands next to me. "So, did you have fun at Grace's party Saturday night?" she asked

"Wouldn't you know, I was with you the whole time" I responded putting my books that i'll need later on in the day in my locker. 

"Not the whole time" She said with a smirk across her face

I grabbed the stuff I'll need for Biology and looked at her. "Oh you mean the 15 minutes when you left me. Not that I was complaining" I said with a laugh

"Yeah, I was hooking up with Brett Breyer in the closet" she said while flipping her hair.

"Gross" I said and closed my locker

I see Freddy and his little sister Darla walking down the hallway. She runs to her classroom and Freddy limps away. I bring my attention back to Danielle. "Why Brett, he's disgusting and a bully" I asked her as we started to walk to Bio together. People smiling and waving as we walked past. Danielle, our friends and I, are the most popular girls in our school. All the girls looked up to us and all the boys wanted to be with us. But we aren't like most popular girls you watch in movies. Well at least I'm not. Danielle and a few others are the standard stereotype. Only care about their looks and status. They won't talk to people who are below their standard and definitely not date them. Being me I don't really care. I moved here when I was 11. I was bullied in my old town so when I moved to Philly I made a better impression on people. I know what it is like to be the victim and I swore to myself that I would never treat someone the way they treated me. However, I can't say the same for my friends. 

"Did you see Lucy's (sorry if that's your name) hair today, it looks like a bird nested in there for a week" Danielle laughed. I didn't reply and I walked into Bio and sat down.

Bio took a long time and so did my other few classes I had. Now it's lunch and I looked around spotting my friends. I walked over and sat down eating my french fries. Danielle sat across from me and our friends around us. Danielle laughed and said "look over at that guy he's all alone" I turned my head to see a boy with brown hair. I've never seen him before. "He's kind of cute" she said with a smirk. I roll my eyes still looking at the boy. Freddy limps over to him and sits down next to him and he starts talking. "look at that loser" Danielle laughs, and my friends giggles fill my ears. "Y/n" Danielle snapped at me. "What" I said looking at her. "Aren't you gonna say anything?" she said looking at me waiting for a response. 

Just then Freddy yelled "It's a total villain power, right?" Everyone looks at him as the Cafeteria falls silent. My table laughs. Freddy looks at me and I smile. He gets up and limps away following the new boy. My friend looks at me and says "Pathetic" 

I don't say anything and just watch Freddy walk off.

Freddy's Pov

All I'm trying to do is become friends with my new brother and he doesn't care about anything i say. That's not gonna stop me. I walk over to Billy sitting alone at a table. 

"flight or invisibility,what would you pick?" I asked Billy. He doesn't respond

"Everybody chooses flight.You know why?" I ask him

"So they can fly away from this conversation?" He says

"No, 'cause heroes fly.Who doesn't want people to think they're a hero, right?But-But invisibility, no way,I mean, that's perfect." I say and Billy get up and start to walk off

:Spying around on people who don't even know you're there.Sneaking around everywhere.It's a total villain power, right?" I yell. Everyone looks at me. I look over at the popular girls table. All the girls are laughing and Y/n smiled. Great. I get up and limp after Billy trowing my tray into the trashcan.

"Then they did this study,and this is a real thing. They asked people the same question,You know, what power do you want? But this time,they made it so the answers were anonymous.And-And most people, since they knew that it was secret,said invisibility.And I think that's'cause most people don't feel like heroes on the inside, deep down." I say as we walk down the hallway. He starts to walk into the bathroom.

"You're gonna run away.I mean, you stole my Superman bullet.Dude, I get it, I get it. You've been screwed over way too many times.You don't trust anyone.But that's the thing about invisibility.You end up by yourself." I say looking at him with sympathy 

"I didn't steal your dumb bullet." Billy says and goes into the bathroom. I shake my head and go to my next class.

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