Chapter 19

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Luke was pale the nape of his heck crusted in dry blood as after many long torturous hours he had finally stopped bleeding. His eyes were shut and neither Lewis nor Macy could tell if he was indeed alive both lacking their super natural abilities.

Macy’s stomach howled and her wrist throbbed. Her mind ran in circles, making Macy worrying that she was going crazy. She considered talking to Lewis who was huddled in the corner his arms leaner and devoid of their usual muscles his golden eyes seeming muddy and yellow. They were sunken deep in his head and Macy suspected Lewis’ throat was sandpapery and dry, much like her own.

The door to their cell was opened with a large resounding grating noise. A troll stepped in his face seeming gruesome and grotesque as he threw a tray of food in Lewis’ direction. Lewis stared at the food, and he struggled with the manacles around his wrists that dragged along the floor weighed down by heavy chains.

The troll came around to face Macy and sneered at her position as she had become increasingly dizzier as the hours passed, could even be days. The troll grabbed Macy’s jaw and forced it open a metallic taste entered her mouth. Macy choked and spluttered the unclean water being presented to her not going down well. A few dribbles made it down her throat immediately soothing the raging fire.

Her tongue still felt thick as the troll fed her some stale bread by the looks of it Lewis had gotten the other half. Luke on the other hand still hadn’t stirred and the troll didn’t look like he had anything for Luke. A sliver of bottom end red meat was given to Macy and she ate it greedily. After finishing her meal Macy felt warmth enter her belly but it didn’t extend far.

“I need to pee,” Macy said her lip pouting as she let her voice take on a whiny tone. The troll looked at his breath forcing Macy to breathe through her mouth and he leered, yellow rotting teeth showing.

“S’not my problem is it?” He picked up the food trays kicking Luke slightly before he pulled out a jar of baby food from his pocket and slid it into Luke’s mouth all at once ignoring the way it dribbled down his chin. Luke remained unresponsive and the troll shrugged before he lumbered out the lock echoing through the cell taunting Macy.

Macy moved rolled her neck the pressure unbearable and far outweighing the throbbing in her broken wrist. “What do you think Kade wants from us?” Lewis asked his voice weak and strained. Macy shrugged and then winced in pain the movement painful and the sting of needle added pressure in her wrists.

Her eyelids drooped as the hollow called her stomach was satisfied. She thought about fighting sleep the ever present pains reminding her she needed to take action but the walls were boring her to death.

Macy turned away from the warm heat that was licking up the body of the poor innocent women. Her lungs were filled with smoke and the screams of the women bore into her mind. The horizon was red stained with screams and ash running down every street in London.

The silence of the wild life was bitter and taunting, only heard after the women’s screams finally stopped the flame swallowing her whole. Macy walked briskly away; turning her back on everything, the world loosing the glow she had grown up with and loved.

Silently Macy prayed for the poor tortured souls of all those women who had lost in the battle. She refrained from running knowing suspicion would just be drawn to her as she made for an escape of London.

She passed a stable identifiable by the strong smell of horse droppings and she wished that streets could be far cleaner. Though she kept an optimistic view knowing she could be far worse off; there was no plague running amuck through the streets claiming countless victims for death.

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