Chapter 1

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Ban sat on the snout of Hawk's mom's nose. The sun was setting and made the sky a beautiful display of orange and purple. I walk out of the Boar Hat. Meliodas and the gang were outside, throwing a sort of party. Diane and King were being more affectionate than usual, but that must be because of the ale. I still hadn't tasted any, even though it's been offered numerous times. I had been hiding in the spare room of the Boar Hat. Meliodas had been kind enough to let me travel with them. I was just a girl from a town that had come to their bar. Apparently I sparked some interest in them. Maybe it was my stories of wanting to be a knight. Maybe it was the story of my brother sacrificing himself for my family. No, that wouldn't be. Would the Seven Deadly Sins take pity on a knight-wanna-be with a tragic family backstory? Hardly.

I decided to head over to where Ban was sitting and ask him why he wasn't with the others. "What does it matter to you," he asks, not sharply like I would expect.

"Just wondering. Ain't the Seven Deadly Sins without the fox sin."

He scoffed and looked at me. "Yeah, well, maybe the fox sin needs a break."

"That's respectable," I say, standing up. "I'll leave you to it."

"Thanks," he muttered.

By the end of the night I had joined the gang in their little party. I finally tasted the ale and it was the most amazing ale I've ever had. The food, however, was... quite terrible. I wish there was a better cook around here. Ban even arrived and chugged some drink with me. By the time I went to bed I was struggling to get up the steps. Was it a dream that Ban carried me up there?

When I woke up in bed, it was still night out. I sat up in bed and, through the window, I could smell the rain coming from outside. I stood up and stretched, breathing in the fresh air. The Boat Hat was quiet, everyone asleep. I sneaked downstairs and poured myself a glass of water. I hear some shuffling behind me and turn around, jumping at the sight of Ban. "Couldn't sleep," he asks me, arms crossed.

He was shirtless, which shouldn't surprise me. The moonlight reflected his body and I stiffened into a chill. He walked towards me, grabbing the glass of water I hadn't yet to drink, and chugging it. He slammed the glass down next to me. "What are you doing out here," he smoothly said, caressing my face.

I giggled a bit, nervously. "Why are you asking like that?"

He got closer, making our noses touch. I could smell alcohol on his breath. "Do you not remember earlier?"

I started laughing and he shut me up by placing his lips on mine. He pulls back, slowly, smiling at me with lustful eyes. I back up. "Ban, I didn't want that."

He chuckled. "You wanted it earlier."

Was I drunk earlier?

"Ban, really, whatever happened-"

"You - You don't remember?"

He backed off, blushing. "I'm sorry!"

His demeanor threw me off. He was acting so tough. As he turned to walk back to his room, I tapped his shoulder. When he turned, I kissed his cheek, then walked quietly up to my room. I heard him enter his a few minutes later.

Am I a Burden? : Ban x Reader (smut)Where stories live. Discover now