Chapter 1

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Mariah's POV

"Woah, no! I'd never go out with those losers" I say, laughing it off as i'd nudge Cameron whos sitting next to me.

"You suck loserette" Carter would pop his head out, looking to me to say the word which he loves to call me. 'Loserette'. I really dont know but you know how from 'dude' you can change to 'dudette'? I think thats what hes trying to do.

"I sometimes doubt you guys are ending bullying here, Magcon" Isabelle, the interviewer would say as she'd then wait for a answer.

"No,no, haha. We only just do it joking around nobody takes it in seriously." Matt would then say, finally saying something in years.

"Okay, okay, so back to Cameron and Mariah for a little bit. Fans are saying you two have been getting very close together and some are predicting you guys are dating! Is it true?" The woman next to Isabelle would ask. Me and Cameron would automatically look to each other, teasing each other by putting on dramatic disgusted looks on our faces.

"Ewww no, were just doing a Coca-Cola project so were working really hard on that together, but with other people of course" I'd then say breaking the silence of me and Cam teasing each other.

"Well im just saying but Camariah sounds really unique actually, I kind of like it!" Isabelle would then turn to us, making a name for us quickly.

"Its nice but we can use it right after.. never!" I'd let myself speak out for Cameron.

"Alright, alright, so now back to this little Magcon project that you guys are doing with.. BBC Teen Hero, Jack G correct?" Isabelle would then carry on with the interview, sliding off of me and Cam. Phew! Oh wait, see what she did there? Gilinsky is a Teen Hero. Eh? Eh? No? Okay. But he really is!

That was a little weird huh, I mean why would anyone think that me and Cameron are dating? I dont even like him, well relationship wise of course. Gosh, our fans come up with the craziest things. 

I didnt focus too much on the me and Cam thing so I just got back into mind and answered some more questions, until we were done. If you think this is easy, it really isnt. Let me tell you a little secret, and I swear this is true. Everyone is forced to not say everything or not tell the full truth, but for us, whats it to hide? Haters really need to back off that we are lying because were truly not, so now twitter hate is waiting for me. Cant wait.

We finished and changed back into our, well more comftable clothes because there is no way im going back into that dress, it almost shrinked my lungs. Damn I have to hit the gym alright. Oh whoops, fat talking. Let me shut up now.

We got back to our hotel in sunny LA, since me and Cam are going to digifest and then the magcon tour of course.

"Mya what the hell are you doing here and not stylying Beyonces hair?" Carter would then ask, appreciating how I styled his hair, and of course, obsessing over it.

"Carter its only hair. Now move it before you're gonna end up messing your hair up and taking a hour to fix it" I'd roll my eyes and pat his shoulders. Carter really only cares about his hair unlike I dont spend more than 10 minutes doing my hair .... Okay maybe 40. Im a girl okay! Its the only part of my body that I really care about.

"Carters hair is fabulous and it has to stay fabulous" Carter would then be talking complete none sense again, becoming overly stupid. I swear its his hair.

"Why? You aint meetin' no one special" Matt would then say as he'd slide his bucked hat on his head and throw the pillow he was holding at Carter, oh boy.

"MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA IM GONNA KILL YOU" Carter shouted out, instead of actually "killing" him but fixing his hair.

"Hush" Matt would say and put his index finger over his lips, making the longest shushing noise I have ever heard.

"Carter while you fix 'ya hair were going out and leaving you with no burgers" Gilinsky would say, rolling his eyes as he'd then head out with me through the main exit of the hotel. Were going to this famous burger place in LA called.. what is it? Oh right, Hawkins House of Burgers. I really hope they have something else too as I'd love to have a hamburger, I'd really prefer a big fat fruit salad right now. Not  that I need to get in shape but hamburgers havent been a like of mine for a while.

. . .

I really hope you like my first story and the first chapter is now done, im really happy with this! And its 02:10 right now so im gonna head off to sleep.

And also about the cast, obviously magcon are them selves so anyone who you obviously not be unfamiliar with as in made up characters and extras will be included in the cast in every chapter.

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