What a friend we have in Jesus

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Here's a Revelation using Dora The Explorer :

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Here's a Revelation using Dora The Explorer :

Whenever Dora First starts her journey , she always have one friend with her ,and that friend is Boots

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Whenever Dora First starts her journey , she always have one friend with her ,and that friend is Boots .

Boots is like Dora's closest friend ,he goes everywhere Dora goes .

Boots represents God The Son Because he is the part of the trinity who went through most of the things you go through today. He's been through even more than you because God The Son died for you .So he's been here ,He's walked this earth ,He's faced what you are facing  now ,but he faced it for all of us.
And even though we can't see him he is still there , going throughout our daily lives with us  just like Boots goes on every journey with Dora.

Backpack is an example of God The Father because he's always got your back and he always have everything you need even when you don't know what you need. Our father does.

Our father is the reason we are here today .
We should never forget to take him wherever we go .God does not forget us but we sometimes forget about him and even when we count him out he doesn't forget to count us in

Prime example,you're here reading this  which is a good thing so you're alive God didn't forget to breathe life into you this morning.

Our Father knows what we will face and he makes sure we have everything we need when we face it .

Next You have The Map :The map is like the Holy Spirit leading you and guiding you through your journey telling you which way to go

Then you have Swiper. Swiper is like the devil he comes only to kill , steal ,and destroy .Swiper comes around to steal what's valuable to Dora and Boots,to kill their joy and excitement about where they plan to go and to destroy the plans they have made to help someone else
Dora and Boots would practice saying Swiper no Swiping , I look at that as a way to resist the devil the only problem is .. You can't resist the devil without first submitting to God The whole scripture says Submit to God resist the devil and he will flee James4:7
Then you have those friends who come to celebrate with Dora .They celebrate with her when things are going good , they only come around for the accomplishments but while Dora is trying to get to where she is going the only friend that's with her through the hardest part of the journey is Boots,The map and the backpack
So If you are running to ,and celebrating with those friends who celebrate you based on how you succeed you have the wrong friends
Spend time with the friend who stays by your side even when you don't succeed
Spend time with the friend who sticks closer than a brother
Try the friend who can save you from yourself and from Swiper
Just try Jesus
Vent to him
Walk with him
Put him first
Talk to him
He cares

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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God Is Real :Revelation about a friend who sticks closer than a brother Where stories live. Discover now