~ T W O~

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(this story is inspired by the quackity fanfic bubblegum. not a copy, but it's very similar. go check it out because their writing is 10x better than mine..)

party time

ybfn FORCED me to go to this party, so i guess i had no choice but to go. i didn't want to, but she insisted.
plus, this cutie named alex was going... it was at 7pm today, and i wasn't prepared at all..

-timeskip to ybfn coming over-

ybfn: so, do you have a cute dress or something?
you: no. i don't party, why would i? *laugh*
ybfn: ughhh you're such a tomboy. *she smiles*
you: *shrug*
ybfn: here, you can wear this dress. *she hands me a beautiful white sleek dress*

(Just saying, the characters looks are up to you completely, i just like the photos

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(Just saying, the characters looks are up to you completely, i just like the photos.)
you: doesn't it show a bit too much..? i mean..
ybfn: no! it's so pretty! now for your hair and makeup..

-timeskip to after hair and makeup and getting ready in general-

ybfn: awww! we look so cute! selfie! *she snaps a cute photo of both of us with the dog snapchat filter*

you: yeah.. we look steamin' *laugh*

ybfn: i know right!!


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-timeskip to when they're at the party-

ybfn: omg! i can't believe we're here! let's go get drinks!! *wink*

i love ybfn, but she's way too girly for me. she's a party girl that loves her looks and makeup. sometimes i just want to stay home with a bucket of ice cream and watch the twilight saga over and over crying because i don't have a boyfriend... that got dark.
anyways, i'm at this party. i don't see alex anywhere. the only reason i agreed to go was because of him.. so, if he's not here, i'm going to be upset.. dang, i need to stop obsessing over a bully.


alex/quackity: hey..y/n, right?

you: yeah..

alex: what's up?

you: not much. ybfn practically forced me to come here so i wouldn't say i'm particularly excited to be here. *i smirked* you?

alex: uhh.. nice.. and i'm fine..

you: ....

alex: ....

alex: you're a weird one... aren't you?

you: uh...

you guys stared at eachother for a good 20 seconds, you not knowing how to respond from alex's comment.

alex: pffft.. weirdo.
alex walks away with a bully-type smirk

what just happened..? ugh.. i hate him, he's such a dick to me and i still like him.

later that night, everyone was drunk. including ybfn. i had a drink but i definitely wasn't as drunk as ybfn. i looked around the room, looking for alex. i know he's a bully to me but i couldn't resist wanting to be around him 24/7.

there he was. he was in a corner.. sitting down on his phone looking edgy as can be. i wanted to go sit next to him, but i don't know how he'd react... so i just stayed put.
at this point, i didn't even know where ybfn went. but i'm sure she was fine, right?


i started to panic while looking around the house we were in trying to find my bestfriend.
i was sure i covered the entire downstairs so i guess it was time i looked upstairs. i tried to calm myself down but that just brought more fear. what type of bestfriend am i?!

okay... she wasn't downstairs, she wasn't outside... the only place i haven't checked is this one room with a closed door. it seemed as if the rooms have sound proofing, because i couldn't hear the party downstairs. i attempt to open the door to find it locked.. perfect. i knock on the door and hear an angry "WHAT!?" i then hear ybfn giggling like crazy. for some reason, it sounded like ybfn's boyfriend that responded.. OH.
i grab a bobby pin out of my hair and struggle to get the door unlocked. too bad they don't teach you how to pick locks in school, huh?
there. i got it unlocked. i swing the door open to find ybfn and her boyfriend making out. gross. but the thing that was wrong about all of this is that ybfn looked drugged. i knew she was drunk, but not THAT drunk. i grabbed her hand and stood her up.
"that's enough. she's drunk and she won't remember it anyways. she can't really give consent when she's drunk and high." i said.
her boyfriend, jake, didn't say a word and just walked out with an angry look on his face.
*sigh* this is why i hate parties..

me and ybfn walked back downstairs towards the party to find people playing truth or dare. i grab ybfn a water and hand it to her before sitting in the circle to join.

alex, truth or dare? someone asked.

dare, i'm not scared. alex replied.

i dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here. and be honest.

alex looked around the room. i wonder who it could be.. definitely not me, which is sad.

alex stood up and walked towards me and ybfn.
he's probably going to kiss ybfn, she's gorgeous.

he bent down on two knees...

leaned in towards me and closed his eyes.


kissed me...

his lips were so soft and warm.
sadly, it was only a small kiss.
it only lasted for about 5 seconds.
i really wanted to kiss him again, but he probably only kissed me as a sorry for being rude type of thing.
he stood back up and walked back towards his spot in the circle.
once he sat down, he said:
"there. i kissed the prettiest girl here." and smiled at me.

i want to be with this boy.
Wowieeeee so cute uwu
thank you guys for being patient as i know last chapter actually sucked :(
but we have a longer one this time uwu
i hope you liked it ;)
999 words~

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