VENT *not a chapter*

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ignore this chapter if you don't want to read complaints-

people have it a lot worse than me so i honestly shouldn't be complaining but—-

i get bullied, a lot. even sometimes by my close friends. i usually think they're joking but they confirm they're not.

i'm going to use today as an example of that.
so, i'm 115 pounds. (i know, that's a lot but shHhH)

^^^^ that info is important.

today i was just chilling with one of my guy friends and he slipped on ice and i was holding onto him because i didn't want to fall so he brought me down with him. i fell almost on top of him (not like you think, don't think that PLEASE.) and he started yelling at me for tripping him when i didn't and saying i was an 'obese whore' for honestly no reason, i didn't mean to fall with him. he went on to say that he hates me and that nobody loves me. i laughed because i thought he was joking but he said "no i'm serious." which broke my heart. i ignored him the rest of the break (like, recess, but we call them nutrition breaks)

that's not that bad, i know. i'm a sensitive person.

another thing that is still happening is well, i get bullied by a guy in my class who is friends with a few people i hang out with. he also calls me obese and a whore. he tells me to kill myself, tells me i'm worthless and a waste of space. he calls me ugly, spreads rumours about me, and talks about me behind my back to people who used to be my friends. i guess this isn't that bad, but he started doing it for no reason. he takes my stuff and throws them around and in puddles.

again, not that bad. i'm so lucky to have what i have. i could have it a million times worse.

the things he says.. is about my sexuality, my gender, my hobbies, my weight, even my damn hair colour.

for some context, i used to have troubles with my gender identity. i would play around with my gender to find out who i was. i know now that i'm 100% not trans, so he shouldn't even be talking about that anymore. i know i'm 100% female. also, when i first found out i liked girls as well as guys, i didn't know people would be so mean to me about it. i was naive, and made the mistake of telling everyone, and being open about it. now people say i shouldn't even be allowed in the girls washroom nor the girls change-room at school. i'm pansexual, but i have a girlfriend.. so it shouldn't even matter.

ANYWAYS (god i'm terrible at stories)

this guy says stuff like "erins so obese she can't even feel comfortable without wearing a baggy sweater in class", "i'll come for her throat",
"me: men deserve more rights.  erin: i beat the system.", "erin thinks she's tough but i could honestly beat her up easily.", "she's such a disgusting furry ew", "erin is such a faggot", "girls liking girls is unnatural and disgusting.", "dying hair doesn't solve depression.". he also calls me an object and all this shit. yes, if you're wondering, i'm a furry. but who cares? i do not think i am an animal, i don't roleplay, i don't hiss or bark or bite people, i don't sexualize animals, and i don't screw them. i just like anthropomorphic characters.

you're probably going to say that i shouldn't care what other people think, and you're 100% right. i shouldn't, but i do.

i've hated myself and my body for the longest time. i think i'm fat so other people saying it really hurts. i'm 115 pounds, and i AM trying to lose it and go to 95 pounds. i have been going to the gym, watching what i eat, drinking a lot more water, doing exercises before bed and in the morning, and taking my dogs on a run after school. i have been doing stuff about it, but it takes a while.

also, my neighbour, who is my age, said stuff too. i've known him my entire life, so it feels like someone in my family said something like that. he also calls me obese and ugly, and makes fun of my parents for smoking. (it's legal where i am and they never ever smoke in front of me.) he calls me worthless too.

it just hurts when people you sorta trust and have known for a long time betray you and say these things.

maybe it's just me, and they're trying to help me.

i really shouldn't be complaining, i'm sorry.

i'm so sorry it's so long, but i really needed to get that out. if you read this far i love and appreciate you so freaking much. 💖
825 words

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