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I don't have my headphones on me so I will give two quotes next chapter! And sorry that I haven't updated in AGES

The darkness faded into light and Marinette heard people around her. She started to blink. She heard herself breathe. This was a good sign.

She started moving her fingers and then got up on to her knees.

She saw Tom, Sabine, a police officer and Adrien. They all started staring at her, like she'd intruded on a private discussion. Which by their faces she could tell she did.

"W-What's going on?" asked Marinette, stammering slightly as she felt crazy. She was getting weird looks from everyone, she had been talking in her head for ages and had seen memories she didn't remember until they were shown. Who wouldn't feel crazy?

"Hey Mari," smiled Adrien, breaking the awkward tension. Marinette looked out the window and saw that it was the middle of the night. She had been unconscious for HOURS.

"What's going on? Who knocked me out?" she repeated. Adrien got down on his knees and gave her a hug.
"Where's Luka?" asked Marinette sadly.

Adrien gasped and snatched back his arms.
"You want Luka?" he cried. He looked like a puppy who had just been stood on... TWICE.
"Yes. I want Luka. Juleka's brother. Cute and sweet and can read me like a book," she explained annoyedly.

The police officer and her parents went downstairs.
"Where's Luka?" asked Marinette again.
"How the hell am I supposed to know!" snapped Adrien. Marinette gasped and he let out a sigh.

"It hurts me ya know. I..." he ran out of words to describe his emotions. Instead, he just dropped his head.

"M'lady, you've been avoiding ever since the reveal. Are you... disappointed?" he sighed.
"No," answered Marinette, looking down sadly.
"Well then why do you act like it?" snapped Adrien.
"Because... BECAUSE... UGH I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN!" yelled Marinette.
"I think you do! Because if we're dating, your going to have to help me understand what I did wrong!" cried Adrien.

"I guess it kind of hurts that I know you are capable of breaking up with me," shrugged Marinette.
"Is that the real reason?" asked Adrien sadly.
"Yes... and no," said Marinette, folding her arms.
"Well?" said Adrien, expecting more.

"I STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR LUKA!" shouted Marinette.

Adrien looked taken aback. Like he had a friend who admitted to hating Oreos. Like he had heard that Marinette had cheated on him.

"I'm sorry Adrien," she sniffed.
"You know what. I'm expected home," said Adrien with no emotion.
"Adrien, I-"
"You need to figure out which one of us you want to be with. Goodbye Marinette," he said as he got up and left.

Marinette began crying.
"What have I done?" sobbed Marinette.

Tikki came out from hiding and looked at her straight up in the face.
"Nothing wrong. You told the truth. He can't handle it. Luka is a respectable person who would never make a move on a person who was not single. And you love Adrien," explained Tikki, showing sympathy.

Miraculous: Tales of Marinette and AdrienWhere stories live. Discover now