Ch∆pter 1

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Ebony's POV

      I stood at the venue shivering, my friend Jane dragged me here, she was in love with B∆stille, I thought they were all right.

        Thankfully the let us in the venue before I froze to death, Jane dragged me to the front, Jane was freaking out, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "Jane calm down!" "I can't Em, I won't be calm!" I sighed and shook my head. "You are crazy!" "No! I'm a Stormer!" I rolled my eyes. "OK, whatever helps you sleep at night."

     B∆stille ran out on stage, I swear Jane completely lost it, she screamed and jumped around. The lead singer's eyes met mine, they got wide, the other band members looked over and looked at me shocked, what was their problem?

      After the show Jane dragged me to the line of fans. "What are we doing?" "Meeting B∆stille duh!" I shook my head, should've known.

    We didn't have to wait long, the lead singer walked right over to us. "Fiona!?" His stormy blue\grey eye stared into mine. "No, I'm Ebony." He looked hurt then nodded. "I'm Dan, I'm sorry you reminded me of someone." Dan looked ready to cry, but he signed stuff and took pictures with Jane.

         As we made our way to Jane's car I asked. "Who is Fiona?" "Dan's dead wife, you look a lot like her!" Jane showed me a picture, I did, it was uncanny, we looked like siblings!

     All the way back to our flat Jane told me about Dan's family, it was really sad, he faked his death just to come back to his daughter dieing and then his wife killing herself. Fate was really harsh on him, poor guy. But I couldn't help but notice he was very hot.

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