intro for the book

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*Magically gets everyone here and they are all confused*

Author: hello fellow readers well come to my book

*Author turns to the group*

Author: hello welcome to 2019 where your sexuality is accepted but the earth is all going to shit

Steve: what are we doing here?

Hopper: better yet how did we get here with this person?

Author: two good questions to answer those questions you are here for some fun with some dare-

Billy: what are we five

Author: don't interrupt let me finish so we are playing dare or ask and to answer hoppers question because I'm magical and because I felt like it. And that person has a name you know

*there is some minute of silents*

Mike: do we have to do this

Author: yes because you're trapped here until the bookends

Everyone mumbles: we will do it

Author: lovely ok since we don't have anyone yet to ask I will ask something

*Author thinks of what to do*

Author: I dare you all to wear the opposite sex of your clothing ( So basically the bays wear girl clothes and the girls wear boys clothes)

*there is a poof sound the boys are wearing dresses and the girls wearing jeans and shirts*

Lucas: how long do we have to wear this

Author: until the next chapter

Billy: I'm going to kill you

Author: well I'm going to run but please leave a dare or an ask you want

*Author starts to run for there life with Billy on their tail *

Will: wait did they say 2019!???

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