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Esmeralda awoke to the sound of people fighting. She jumped out of bed and swung open the caravan door.

She noticed Bonnie and his friend Duke rolling about on the grass. "What are you idiots doing?" Esmeralda called out, wincing as Duke landed a punch to Bonnie's jaw.

Bonnie looked over to her, a grin on his face despite the bruise she could see already beginning to form. "We were bored." Bonnie replied, shoving his friend.

Esmeralda searched the sky for the position of the sun. "At eight in the morning?" She muttered.

She closed the door to the caravan again. Careful not to disturb her sleeping sisters, she quietly made her bed. Esmeralda took of her nightdress and slid on the blue dress she had left on the chair the night before.

Pulling her makeup bag out of her drawer, Esmeralda sat down on the bench. She applied a little mascara and a layer of her favourite rose lipstick. Finally, she slid her small white heels on and secured the clasps.

"Where you going dressed all posh?" Bonnie questioned. Esmeralda walked down the steps of the caravan.

"I have business Bonnie. Cover for me with tata please." She said, giving her brother a pleading look.

"Fine, but you owe me Essie." Bonnie replied.

Esmeralda grinned, "Thank you!" She kissed his cheek, running off the campsite before he could change his mind.

Esmeralda walked briskly into Birmingham. She quickly found the home of the first person on the list. "George Davis?" She raised her brows at the man that answered the door.

"That's me. And you are?" The man asked. A small boy appeared at his legs.

"Who is it daddy?" The child asked. George looked back up her, waiting for an answer.

"Oh sorry, I'm Esmeralda Gold." She held out her hand for him to shake. He shook it warily. "I've been sent with a business proposition for you. Could I come in for a chat?" She smiled sweetly. George opened the door wider for her to enter. He looked around the street outside before shutting the door again.

In the living room, George gestured for Esmeralda to take a seat on the sofa. "Who was it?" A female voice called, walking into the living room.

"Business." George told his wife.

"Bobby, go on upstairs and keep your sister company." The woman said to the child. The little boy stood up from the carpet and ran out of the room.

The woman turned to Esmeralda. "Would you like a cup of tea love?" She offered, smiling at her.

"Yes please." Esmeralda replied. The woman disappeared off into what Esmeralda guessed was the kitchen.

"So who do you work for?" George asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Would I be right in saying you're employed by Luca Changretta?" Esmeralda asked.

"How would you know that?" George questioned.

"You're a local Mr Davis. Birmingham through and through, how did you end up working for an Italian mobster?" Esmeralda asked.

"Are you some sort of copper?" George asked.

His wife walked in with a two cups of tea, she handed one to Esmeralda. "Thank you." Esmeralda smiled.

She set the other cup of tea beside her husband and sat on the arm of his chair. "She's not a copper Georgie." His wife laughed.

"I'll get to the point Mr Davis. Changretta isn't wanted in Birmingham, he only wants to bring war here. Now all the men he pays for protection are local men. My employer wants to offer ten times what Changretta pays you for protection, to switch sides." Esmeralda explained.

"You're working with the Peaky Blinders." George guessed. Esmeralda nodded. "And why would I want to help Peaky Blinders?" He asked.

"You have little ones, surely the amount of money Mr Shelby wants to pay you would make a good safety net for them." Esmeralda replied.

His wife leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "No one will be killed except Changretta?" He asked.

"Thomas only wants to end this war before anyone else gets killed." Esmeralda replied.

"He lost his brothers didn't he?" George's wife spoke up.

"He did." Esmeralda replied.

"Count us in. George will side with Thomas Shelby." His wife announced.

George looked up to his wife, shocked at her response. "I went to school with his brother John. He was a good lad. God rest his soul." She explained to her husband.

"I'll do it." George agreed.

Esmeralda made her way down the rest of the list. Although people were hesitant at first, they all came around once they heard how much Thomas Shelby was paying. People around here made a 1/5 of what Thomas was offering in a year, if they were lucky. Esmeralda understood why they agreed to work Changretta in the first place - they really needed the money.

Once Esmeralda had convinced the last name on the list to join the other side, she walked the half mile into Small Heath. Outside the pub, she stopped in front of a group of men in peaky hats. "Is Thomas there tonight?" She called in their general direction.

"No, try Watery Lane." A bald headed man suggested.

"Thank you." She replied, walking away.

On Watery Lane, Esmeralda spotted Thomas' car, parked outside a row of houses. She just had to figure out which one was his.

Esmeralda closed her eyes, focusing on the image of Thomas in her mind.

Seeing what she desired, her eyes shot open, she walked over to the door and knocked. Ada answered. "You again!" She grinned. "Come in!" She said enthusiastically.

Ada led Esmeralda into the living room where Thomas and Polly sat.

"Alright Esmeralda?" Michael grinned, joining them from the kitchen.

"Hi Michael." Esmeralda gave him a friendly smile. He had camped with them for a while under Polly's instruction.

Thomas looked up at the sound of her voice. His face was illuminated by the fire burning in the fireplace. Esmeralda watched the flames dance across his eyes. "Is it done?" He asked.

Esmeralda nodded. "Everyone's on side." She announced

Thomas lifted out a cigarette and his lighter. He placed the cigarette in between his lips and lit it, his eyes glued to her the whole time. "Let's hope it goes according to plan." He replied.

"She knows?" Polly questioned, raising an eyebrow. Esmeralda broke her eyes away from Thomas to look at Polly.

"She had to know in order to help." Thomas replied. Esmeralda watched him again as he took a long drag of his cigarette.

"Right well I'm not standing here watching those two eye fuck." Ada announced. "I'm away to the pub." She said.

Esmeralda felt her face immediately go pink. Polly caught the firey look Esmeralda shot Ada's way.

"I think I'll join you Ada." Polly announced. She stood up from the sofa and lifted her coat from the rack. "You break anything, you pay for it Thomas." Polly warned, tugging her coat on.

"I'll be upstairs." Michael announced, exiting the room.

Thomas rolled his eyes, watching them all leave. He gestured for her to sit down on the sofa across from his chair. "You want a cup of tea or anything?" He offered. "No thanks, I'll probably head back soon." Esmeralda replied.

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