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The day of the press conference had finally arrived. Hera was nervous, but she had received good luck messages from all your coworkers. Joohyun had helped her choose the right outfit since Hera didn't have the most appropriate outfit for the occasion. The place was full of journalists from various Korean and international newspapers. Hera went to the place that was reserved for her and prepared all her equipment, after all, she had to type in every word Baekhyun would speak at that press conference.

About 20 minutes later, Chen, the same company singer and Baekhyun's friend, came on stage, greeting everyone in attendance.

- Hello, i'm the singer Chen and today I gonna be the MC of this press conference. Today, Baekhyun is doing your comeback with the 4th mini-album "City Lights", with the title track "UN Village", where Baekhyun is showing a new and more mature image. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome singer Baekhyun!

Hera saw him for first time. He was radiant and visibly happy to be releasing this new work. He was received by Chen with a hug and a pat on the back.

- Introduce yourself for the journalists, please.

- Hello, i'm the singer Baekhyun. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

Chen asked basic questions for Baekhyun, who answered them humorously. He seemed to be very comfortable with his friend. The journalists' questions began and Baekhyun listened to each one, answering as truthfully as possible.

- Journalist Ji Hyeran from Korea News, please, ask your questions.

Hera got up and waited for a staff to hand her the microphone. Baekhyun looked straight at the woman who was going to ask him the question and realized she was a little nervous. He thought about saying something, but thought it would make her even more nervous, so he just stared at her, trying to reassure her with just the look.

- Good night. I'm Ji Hyeran from Korea News. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your new release and i'm really excited to listen to your new songs.

- Thank you very much.

- The difference between "City Lights" and the latest release, the "Young" EP is notable. You show a more mature and sexy image, which led you to make this change?

- That was my decision, which was later taken to the company. This desire to show something more mature has been coming for some time, i think this is something that the public would like to see and that's why a choose to make a R&B album, which is considered a sexier style.

- Interesting. About the title song, UN Village, where did the inspiration for this song came from? And will the other songs on the album follow the same style as the title?

- UN Village, as many people already know, is a very luxurious place and famous for your elegant and romantic penthouses. When I visited this place, I perfectly imagined a couple of lovers spending a good time there and making good memories. Each song on this album has its own particularity and identity, but all talk about love stories and a loved one.

- I am even more excited to hear the other songs. Thank you. - Hera said this in a very lively and true way. Baekhyun realized that and broke the protocol, interrupting Chen, who would pass a conversation to the next journalist.

- Sorry Chen, but I would like to ask something to the journalist Ji Hyeran.

Hera found that this was really strange, but she got up and picked up the microphone again.

- Hyeran-ssi, you said you were looking forward to listening to the mini album, do you have any particular song that caught your eye?

Even nervous, Hera took courage and answered as truthfully as possible.

Press Conference (Baekhyun x Z.Hera) ENWhere stories live. Discover now