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It has been a few days since the last meeting between Baekhyun and Hera. The journalist was totally focused on her work, but allowed herself to think about him sometimes. The singer was having his well-deserved vacation and would use this free time to win the woman's heart. But how to do it? He knew a few things about her, but he wanted to know a little more. So, just as he got Hera's instagram, he got Joohyun's phone number. Being famous had some advantages.

- Hello.

- Joohyun-ssi?

- Yes. Who is it?

- You may not believe it, but it's Baekhyun.

- Baekhyun? Which Baekhyun?

- The Singer and Hera's friend.

- AH! I CAN'T BELIEVE!!!! BYUN BAEKHYUN! Wait! I need to breathe a little.

Baekhyun laughed at Joohyun's despair.

- To what do I owe the honor of your call? Is it related to Hera?

- Yes. I would like to know more about the things that she likes. Like her favorite flower, favorite color, things she likes to do, somthing like that. Can you help me?

- Of course yes, but... why don't you ask her that directly?

- I don't know, I think she would find me very invasive.

- Baekhyun, I'll tell you something about Hera: She could spend hours talking about the things she likes, no matter how simple they are. She loves this feeling that people are interested in what she has to say and I think you have noticed it. I could really give you a list of all the things she likes, but wouldn't it be more interesting to hear from her directly?

- And how I do it?

- Call her for a simple date and things will flow naturally. She already told me that she is very comfortable around you. Baekhyun, you're on the right track to win my friend's heart.

- But i don't want to win...

- Baekhyun, if you really didn't want to win my friend, you wouldn't have called me to talk about her.

- You're really smart...Thank you.

- That's what they say... Welcome, only tell me later if this my advice worked.


The days passed and Baekhyun planned the perfect date with Hera. He thought about using his "singer power" and booking a luxury restaurant all to themselves, but he knew she didn't like that kind of thing and someone could publicize it in the media. He wished he could have a date at an amusement park, even hating extreme toys, always saw couples doing it, but that was impossible for someone like him.

Then he thought of the simplest thing he could do: a romantic dinner.

As soon as he had the idea, he called Hera to invite her.

- Hello?

- Hyeran-ssi?

- Hi, Baekhyun-ssi. How are you today?

- I'm fine, enjoying the holidays. What about you?

- Tired of work but i'm good. Did something happen?

- No, I just would like to know what you will do tomorrow night.

- As I leave work early tomorrow, I was thinking I would spend all night watching movies. Why?

Press Conference (Baekhyun x Z.Hera) ENWhere stories live. Discover now