Part 15 - Sports Festival; Some Wars are Declared

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Katsuki opens the door once the final bell has rung. Good thing there is a crowd of students outside said door. "Wh-what are they doing here!?" Ocha-chan asks in a mixture of surprise and fear. "To scope out the competition." Katsuki and I glare at each other, well as best as I can, having both said the same thing at the same time. 'Toshi warned me about this crap... I get it but why can't they just let us go home?'

He turns back to the crowd and shoves his way through, "I'm not one to be checked out by some extras just because I took down some low lives. You can check me out once I'm on top." Katsuki disappears through the crowd. "Jeez, if all of you are like that douche then it'll be no problem to take you down!!" That kid with weird things around his eyes from the entrance exam steps in front. "To think you are the ones in the spotlight." A tall kid that seems sleep deprived steps out from next the weird eye kid. "Must be nice, being able to fight villains like. I bet you all are just soaking in the spotlight, huh?" before any of my classmates can speak up, which some of them were about to, I stomp my foot hard, watching as the vibrations travel through the metal reinforcing of the room and hallway. This action startles my classmates, alerting them that I was pissed. They let me pass so I could face this kid, his eyes that were half lidded are now wide. "You came here to declare war, correct?" Something about my face must have shocked him, since he didn't answer, "you had this whole speech about being able to take one of our spots, correct? Then why did you open it with that?" I shake my head, "You know it really wasn't all that bad, getting mentally scarred and traumatized by an overwhelming beast beating my teacher to the brink of death. Its a walk in the park to witness one of my classmates almost die because a man I didn't know almost touched her face." I push him back by the chest and he stumbles slightly, "And it definitely was amazing to find out I could control blood." His eyes widen more at this.

At this point the whole hallway is quiet, no one seeming to want to anger me with their breath. "All you had to say was 'I declare war on all the hero courses, and I'll take one of your spots.' But you just had to mock us about almost dying." I feel a familiar hand on my shoulder and take a deep breathe, my momentary anger subsiding. I grab Tsu's hand from my shoulder and we walk through the crowd.


The day before the sports festival is the only day out of the week leading to the festival that we had off sans the usual weekend break. Today was rather special, since my friend group was now stationed in the driveway of the Iida household.

"I was expecting a mansion, ribbit." I nod in agreement and Ocha-chan replies, "It still feels like a rich house." Iida stood proudly as the three of us took in the smaller-than-we-expected house that lay before us. It was a tasteful blend of a western style home and traditional Japanese stylings, and I'm sure that it looks even more beautiful when seen in color. "Uuuhm, as much as I would like to see your house, why are we here again Iida-kun?" "We are here for a study session, Uraraka-chan." "Weren't you the one that asked, Uraraka-chan, ribbit?" Ocha-chan laughs and scratches the back of her head.

"Hello! Its so nice to meet my son's friends!" Mrs. Iida enthusiastically says once we've all walked into the living room, thoroughly shocking me as she sounds like a rather loose person compared to my literal square friend. "Mother, this is Uraraka-kun, Midoriya-kun, and Tsuyu-kun." I almost forgot that Iida came to a compromise with Tsu's nickname. As he says our names he gestures to us then his mother greets each of us with a handshake. "My son has told me some stories of you kids." Something about her voice seems to shift into a teasing tone, giving away that she is saying this to embarrass Iida. "Yes, now we must go upstairs mother, we have some studying to get to." Iida says with a small amount of sweat running down his face.

"Uuuuugh!" Ocha-chan presumably hits her head against the table we were all sitting at. I hear soft padding that only be described as 'Soothingly stiff' and Iida speaks, "Its ok if you don't exactly get it yet, the test isn't until after internships." "Alright... I can do this."

"We could also try and have study sessions regularly, ribbit." I nod in agreement, "We could even rotate houses or something." I hear a slap from where Ocha-chan is sitting, presuming she punched her palm, "I'm going to do my best." 'That sounds eerily similar to what she said about the Sports Festival.'

"Well, I need to go now." I say as I stiffly get up, stretching out my legs a little, "The big festival is tomorrow, after all." "I also have to go now, ribbit." "Well, I'll stay a little longer. I feel like I almost got my head wrapped around this!" "I will gladly see you two out the door!" Tsu and I let Iida lead the charge. We head down these dreadful stairs that Tsu has to help me properly walk down. Iida's steps are way too steep, like jeez. Iida's mom says goodbye which we return, and I slip on my shoes. Iida opens the door for us, "I will see both of you tomorrow, in front of the whole world!" He says with what I can safely presume is a smile and fist-on-hip pose. I nod and Tsu gives a farewell ribbit.

The moment I'm on the concrete of the path leading to the driveway I sigh. Flooded with the sight I oh so miss when I'm in a house with wooden flooring and carpets. I tap my foot a couple times and hop down the path onto the driveway, Tsu not far behind. "You look like a happy kindergartener, ribbit." "Hush, I'm relishing in my sight once more."

Shower thought: there is an alternate universe out there in which Shigeru Miyamoto made a little Indie title named 'Mario Bros' and Toby Fox made it big with the side scrolling legend, 'Undertale.'
'Mario Bros' got so big, and a certain character became such a giant meme, that Toby finally caved and made a skin of Mario for the Player Brawler (PB for short) and the internet exploded.

I get up half an hour before my first alarm. That barely happens anymore. I guess I'm just too antsy for the Sports Festival. Which is today.

I stumble around my carpeted bedroom, we were told we didn't have to show up in our uniforms and to just have whatever we may need and our student IDs. I decided that a nice plain T-shirt and shorts would suffice. I stick my phone and my wallet, containing my student ID, into my pockets and rush downstairs. I've memorized everything about my own apartment so it was easy to rush into the kitchen with my empty backpack. I shoved a bunch of cold waters I had stuck in the fridge the previous night into my backpack.

All of us were now changing into our gym uniforms. I slipped on my thicc metal studded belt from my hero costume, having had clearance for it because it can be used with my quirk. We were told to head to the 1-A waiting room within the stadium after we were properly changed, to which we all did in a massive group.

Iida, Ocha-chan, Tsu, and I sat together on the rather big table in the middle of the room, other classmates sitting on the other side of the table.

"You seem more fidgety than usual Izu-chan, ribbit." Tsu helpfully points out. I cease my nervous foot tapping to throw a sassy hand in the air, "Almost everyone in this room is obviously nervous, let me be normal Tsu-chan." I can tell that her lips get slightly more upturned and she shrugs, "I'll allow it. Just this once." Ocha-chan giggles from across me, and Iida cracks a small smile beside her.

"Midoriya." I face my non-functioning eyes at Todoroki, he comes to a stop in front of me and I face my entire body towards him. He is moving rather stiffly and comes to a stop in front of me.

"When it comes to power, I believe that you and I are the most powerful in out class." I hear Katsuki scoff, "So I want to tell you that I will defeat you in this festival." "N-now Todoroki, aren't we all friends..?" "Not during this festival. We're all fighting to be noticed by the pros and take the first step into being real hero's." I can tell thats not Todoroki's main reason for this by a long shot, but I nod in agreement. "Good point, Todoroki. In that case, I accept your declaration and send my own." He nods and walks away.

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