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"They said he wouldn't call. They told me that thinking he would ever need me again was just something you read in books." Her head dropped and her curly hair fell down around her face like a hood. "Yet, there I was at 4 fucking am and his name just popped up on my phone." A sad chuckle escaped from her lips as she continued to stare at the ground, refusing to meet the eyes of anyone around her. "I sat there and let it ring a few times, I knew I had schoolwork that needed to be done and I knew it was a bad idea...but something in me wanted to hear his reason for calling after all this time," taking a shaky breath she continued. "When I answered the phone, the first thing he did was say my name. A name I've had since I was born, a name I had been called for my entire fucking life...but when he said it my heart stopped and I couldn't breath. All I could do was sit there until he said it again and I snapped, questioning his reason for calling." She felt the tears begin to build up in her eyes as she spoke but still dared not to look up. "He told me he was alone and he knew I would answer, he told me that him and his girlfriend had argued and he was leaving home again. I should've hung up then, I should've said goodbye and left it at that but I didn't. I talked to him and convinced him that everything would work out and he would be okay. And we talked, until finally I worked up the fucking courage to ask him why he left me in the first place," her hand shook as she reached up to push her hair back. Her chair creaking as she sat up straight. "He told me he didn't know, he said it was a mistake and that he was sorry. And I believed him. I thought that maybe he meant it and I could get the closure I so desperately needed, but then he said he loved me and everything we went through played through my head, memories of him running free in the labrynth of my mind and I told him I had to go." She sighed and stood. "I realized then, that he would never understand what he did to me, but I also realized that I deserve so much more than anything he could EVER offer, I just pray that next time he calls...I don't answer the phone."

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