30. Through thick and thin.

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Chapter 30: Through thick and thin

Maya's POV


"How about I go grab my jacket and then take you home?" Leo asked, wiping away the tears that had slipped out when I started thinking about Ella and Axel once again. 

I gave him a small smile, taking his hand in between both of mine before shaking my head slightly. "I don't want to go home just yet," I said.

Leo tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, lightly stroking my cheek. "What if I stay there with you for a while?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head, knowing that I couldn't stay sitting there forever. In reality, I was fearing the moment I had to return home. I knew that doing so meant that I had to face Axel. I also knew that thinking back on it, the way I reacted was way too dramatic, but I couldn't help the immense sense of betrayal which came with seeing my best friend and my brother together.

"I'll be right back," he said before giving me a quick peck on the lips and running towards the school. 

It wasn't long before I heard someone call out my name, making me turn around. Upon hearing the voice I feared that it was Axel, but after the person came in to view, I soon realised that it was Elliot, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey," he said, sitting down next to me. 

"Hi," I replied, not really knowing what to say. I knew what Elliot probably wanted to talk about, and I also knew that he was going to make me feel guilty about the way I was acting. I was positive that he was going to take Axel's side on all of it.

"Maya, please don't cry. Ella and Axel never wanted to hurt you. That's why they didn't tell you about their relationship," he said, trying to dry off my wet cheeks with his thumb.

I blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the tears that had blurred my vision. I was still over the moon at the fact that Leo and I had finally found our way back to each other, but I couldn't forget about the pain that the people I had considered as my best friends had caused me.

"Aren't you upset about it too? Axel told me he was still upset about his ex cheating on him and all of a sudden he's all over my best friend? This is not a secret that he should have kept," I said. I needed Elliot to understand my point of view on all of that. 

In a way, I knew that it must have been hard for Axel and Ella to tell me, but they knew me more than anyone, and they knew how much I hated people lying to me. Ella told me that it wasn't serious, that she would tell me when she was sure of it, and the way she was eating my brother's face off a couple of minutes before did not seem like she wasn't sure about her feelings.

"Well-" Elliot nervously said, looking down making my eyes widen and my mouth open in shock in realisation. 

"You knew didn't you?" I asked in a whisper, standing up from the bench, making Elliot look at me with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Yes, but Maya, let me explain," Elliot said, standing up in order to be able to face me. 

I shook my head and took a step back. Everyone kept saying the same exact thing 'let me explain'. I hated those words. 

"What is there to explain Elliot? That Axel and Ella trusted you but not me? How long have you known?" I curiously asked. 

I didn't know what hurt more, the fact that Elliot didn't tell me the truth or the fact that Ella and Axel told Elliot but not me. 

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