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the ninth

jisung woke up, again. it was afternoon already and minho wasn't back yet but he was hungry. he walked downstairs into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. he saw dori, the cat, sleeping on the couch. he smiled softly at the sight before he turned around. he heard something at the front door. he was scared, after what minho told him he didn't know what to expect.  is there someone to attack him?

he grabbed a pan, you never know who's there. he walked  silently to the front door, seeing an figure. before he could hit the person he looked straight into the persons eyes. ''hyunjin?'' hyunjin just nodded, grabbing his arm and taking him up stairs. ''listen carefully, they're here and i can't protect you alone so i guess you've to fight'' they walked into jisungs room.  ''what do you mean i've to fight?'' the older sighed softly, looking at his crush. ''hide in the closet and when they find you, attack  them with the pan. don't let them take you okay?'' jisung just nodded and did as told.

while jisung was hiding, hyunjin walked downstairs. standing eye to eye with his dad. ''stop it hyunjin, i love you but the kid has to die'' hyunjin just stood there, staring at his dad and his members. ''no i won't let you kill him'' his dad just chuckled. ''take my son down, i'm going up stairs'' the people around his dad started attacking hyunjin, who barely made it. but 8 against 1 isn't fair.

while hyunjin was fighting for his life, jisung was scared in the closet. he heard footsteps coming.  after minutes of hearing someone being in the room it became silent. the squirrel like boy thought the man was gone until the closet door opened, revealing an angry and dangerous man. the man grabbed jisung and threw him on the ground, pointing his gun at the poor boy. the boy started shaking out of fear, but he remembered what hyunjin told him. he grabbed the pan in his hand with more strength. the man eyed him, smirking. ''goodbye han jisung'' but before he could shoot the boy, he felt on the ground. jisung had hit him in his 'special' area.

before the man could stand up, hyunjin attacked him, with help from the members. after they attacked him, he tried to talk with them. he and the members knew eachother for years, all he had to do was say the right words to change their minds. the members decided to help hyunjin, and that's how they came here. they grabbed the man, taking him for away from the two boys. hyunjin hugged jisung close, feeling the boy shaking lightly after what happend. jisung pulled away from the hug, seeing blood coming from the olders head.  ''uh hyunjin you're bleeding'' hyunjin looked at the boy in confusion before he felt the blood on his head.  a sound was heard, the members walked into the room, waiting for hyunjin.

jisung felt something heavy leaning against him, it was hyunjin who looked passed out. before jisung could panic the members were  taking him already. one of them kneeled down next to the boy and said ''don't  worry, we're taking care of him'' and with that they let the boy alone in minho's house.

the young boy sat on the ground, he was in shock and was extremely shaking. he didn't know what to do, heck he didn't even know what happend. all he could think was

 'minho, where are you?'


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