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"I think now's a great time to relocate you and get you some proper clothes." Ley stood up upon saying this, walking to the cellar door. Sliding it open and walking on the other side of the barred barrier as she added on, "I'll fill you in on what I know about the court hearing later. They didn't tell me a lot, unfortunately. Even though you're in my care and it should be in the best intention to give me any information in referral to you." she grumbled the last part, clearly frustrated as she smoothed out her skirt. "I'll be back in a jiff, love."

The resonant sounds of her heels colliding with the solid ground seemed to disappear as she walked further away, leaving you alone again in the confines of your cold dripping cell.

You chucked your body back down against the hard mattress feeling and hearing the springs struggle with the new weight. Some broken, exposed springs that stuck through the mattress' layered material cut you slightly as you shifted into a position that you cause you the least discomfort.

Looking up at the rocky ceiling above you, you let out a hearty sigh "He does care about me, doesn't he?" You raised a bloody, dirty hand and gently touched your lips. God, you hoped you could get out of here as soon as possible. While only sharing a small moment, feeling Beetlejuice's embrace, his lips left a print on yours that left you wishing for more.

Speaking of which, while you processed your current situation, you haven't pondered about Beetlejuice's affiliation with this mess. Waverley was right to question who he was haunting. He seemed guilty about it considering he didn't say anything during Juno's confrontation.

Maybe he ought to wait for your kisses when he tells you where he was in those audits. You frowned as you thought about how you wouldn't even be stuck in here if he had just explained himself.

Was it so hard for him to tell his mother "Hey! Sorry! This is just one whole convoluted mess in which, Y/N did not create a summoning craze - I was making collabs with a YouTuber or something in my spare time!" you tried your best gravely impression of him as you said that, throwing your head back in tired annoyance.

So much for all that romantic stuff he had done when he left you in the dust like that. You're sure he meant well, but at the same time, if this place is on lockdown and that was the last time, you'd see him, he has doomed you to death. He can't prove your innocence unless he is summoned in court. Pun intended.


A significant amount of time had passed as you tried, and failed, to rest. Lying on your side, facing towards the bars you began to hear a rally of footsteps treading towards your cell. There was no point in trying to look presentable, so you just stood up and waited.

Waverley came into view with a cheery smile on her face as she was accompanied by two...skeletons. One skeleton had opened the cell whilst the other walked up to you and placed you in handcuffs as Ley came to your side.

"Yeah, sorry about the 'cuffs. It's a mandatory procedure 'n all. I promise you won't have to wear them for long, the escort will be extremely short to your new cell."

The skeleton who placed the cuffs on you gave you a slight push as a directive order rather than to be malicious, as you headed out of the cell. You finally could get a good look at this place. The corridor was lined with cells like your dingy one, as the walkway spanned a great length. This seemed more like a dungeon than anything, which Ley did, in fact, confirm in your walk.

"Yep, these here cells had been built by those who died during the medieval times. Although the mattress was added rather than a pile of straw. This prison functions sort of "linear" if that makes sense. The more we progress, the more developed it's going to look. The Netherworld thought it would be appropriate to keep parts of the prison intact to the dead beings that built it, so we are going to encounter some varying types of based upon specific points in history. Like a time-capsule... but for criminals. Sometimes prisoners are even issued with a specific type of cell to cater to either their time frame or punishment." She seemed to be happy to lend her knowledge of this place but after a couple of seconds, she appeared to become aggravated because of what she said last "A prime example of cell assignment is you. These here are extremely brutish and Juno picked a spot here for you, personally....while there were PERFECTLY reasonable AND EMPTY ones in the 21st Century sector. I had to make so many calls and talk to so many people to find out who gave her the authority and confirmation to be that cruel. That's why I took longer. I'm sorry about that. I also took a tad longer to get you some food. You must be starving considering how long you've been here. It was sorta difficult considering dead people don't eat, so I had to venture pretty far to hustle something for you."

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