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The day started normal my mate was out patrolling the grounds to protect the pack. I was at home getting the pup's room ready Damien was checking up on me thru out the day via mind link . I was very happy, tonight was the blood moon festival where we all gatherd  to praise the moon goddess luna . She was very important because she was the mother of us all . It was getting late when Damien mindlinked to let me know he was on his way home . I met him at the door he asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was fine . Elaina are you sure your up to going to the festival?  Of course I am Damien . Well you know how I worry especially since the pup is supposed to be here any day now . I'm fine go take a shower and get ready . I was suddenly craving steak raw steak I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bite to eat . Damien came out of the bathroom with just a towel on .Damien I know what your up too he comes over and licks my neck I shiver and laugh .Damien pouts  . Damien you know I love you but you need to get dressed all our friends are waiting on us . They can wait I have missed you

all day . I know you did Damien I missed you to but we need to go the blood moon only happens every hundred years I really want to see it . Ok elaina I'll get dressed . Thank you Damien love you

As we were walking to the bon fire I kept feeling small pains my wolf was anxious Damien asked what was wrong . My wolf is just anxious for a run race you to the lake I laughed as I shifted into my black wolf we ran Damien hot on my heel's as I felt a strong spasem in my stomach I faltered Damien caught up to me whats wrong he asks nervously I don't know I just felt a sharp pain and continued to the lake as I got there I felt a wetness going down my legs my wolf was looking for a secluded spot she new our pup was coming I mindlinked the pack doctor she told me to calm down and shift back to my human Damien was circling and growling at any wolves who got to close 20 min later when the blood moon was high in the night sky the pack doctor arrived Damien was keeping her at bay Damien please let her thru she's here to help as I asked a tremendous pain ripped thru my body causing me to whimper Damien let megan thru she asked me how long ago my water broke I told her 20 minutes ago . She looked and said good we're at 20 now when the next pain comes push as  she says this another pain explodes I push whimpering good good one more push so I panted and when the next pain hit I pushed with all I had and delivered our baby girl under the blood moon suddenly there was a glowing light in front of us was a pure white wolf of eminence power she spoke to us your baby is special take care of her for she will be a wolf that hasn't walked the world in hundreds of years and disappeared

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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