Chapter Twelve (P-2)

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Third P.O.V

Killing people left and right, that's what Stephen and Jay did as they continued to search through the Castle separately.

Bella and the boys were still in the Dungeons, Bella was aiming at the entrance, ready to fire whenever someone decided to barge in.

Screams and cries of pain can be heard, but suddenly, everything was silent. Hosuh whimpered, he was terrified. Dan was staring forward with tears in his wide eyes, clenching his jaw in fear as the sound of footsteps hitting the stone floor filled the silent atmosphere.

Suddenly, humming was heard, the atmosphere became eerie but suddenly. The power shut down, it became quiet, way too quiet. Bella felt something brush past her, chills made its way up her spine as fear crept in slowly. "Bella..." A low whisper said, no one knows who said it.

Hosuh whimpered, struggling against the restraints while Dan let out a shaky sigh. "You shouldn't have taken them, Bella..." The same voice whispered, a dark undertone could be heard.

Bella and her goons felt something, or somethings to be more precise, moving around them. Lightly touching them, whispering about how they shouldn't've taken the boys, how gruesome their death would be. Edward and Jacob's backs faced each other as they clutched their guns, fear coursing through them.

"Bella..." Another voice whispered, it seemed far away yet she knew it was right behind her.

Bella turned around but felt nothing, turning around in circles, she flinched at every touch, every hum, every whisper. Two yelps were heard, it turned into screams as Hosuh and Dan were dragged away. Cries of help were heard, getting distant as they get dragged far away.

Bella cursed at the person who thought it was a good idea to make the Dungeons gigantic, she can't tell where exactly the Kings were. "NO!" Jacob screamed as he felt something stab him.


Jacob fired his gun but the bullet only hit the stone wall.


Jacob's body hit the floor as he fell unconscious, Edward turned on every direction as his breath became ragged in fear and terror.


Edward fired as he felt a touch on his right forearm, the bullet hit the stone wall again. Slowly, Edward moved around with his gun ready.


His body fell, a knife sticking out of his skull with blood pouring out. Bella's breath quickened, adrenaline pumping through her veins caused by fear. Whispers began to rise, it was defining. Bella felt herself getting dizzy, she felt claustrophobic, like the walls of the gigantic Dungeons was suddenly closing in on her.


She fired to her right, or was it her left? She couldn't tell anymore, her head was a mess, her thoughts running in a circle like a toy train. "Where are you!" She yelled, panting.

"Here." Someone whispered.

"There." Another whisper.

"Everywhere." Yet another one.

How many minutes was she trapped in the Dungeons with them? Or was it hours? She couldn't tell, her brain wouldn't let her think straight. "Show yourself!" Bella demanded, and they did.

A light shined to her right, a voice said "Bella." Her tone a whimper.

Bella turned and fired with a smirk, it fell once she saw Ally staring at her with wide, betrayed eyes. Ally glanced down at her body, blood emitting out of her chest area. "No!" Exclaimed Bella, tears pooling in her eyes.


Ally's body dropped to the ground, lifeless as her eyes stared at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.


Bella fired at every direction yet it seemed like it didn't hit anyone, it hit the stone walls and iron bars. "WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Bella screamed in anger, they made her kill her Fiancè.

"Behind you." A voice whispered.


Bella's body dropped to the ground, unconscious...

A/N: Hey, I just wanted to say my school is starting soon so I may not update for a while. But I promise once I get settled down, I'll try to update.


Jk, Love,

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