How I met Jesus

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I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ not by works so nobody can boast. When I really remember what the Lord has done I can never go back anymore. He saved me from the fire of hell. He delivered me from the fear of death because growing up as a muslim I knew for sure that if I should die today that I was going straight to hell. Can you imagine that? Or should I say is that what you are thinking right now?

God really is good all the time; He really is an awesome Father who loved us so much that is why he sent His one & only son Jesus to save us.

I thank God for saving me for a time such as this. All the Glory and Honour belongs to the Father... the Son & the Holy Spirit

I never in a millon years thought that I would be sitting here writing these words today. I was taught not to associate myself with Christians (non-believers) and I guess in a way I for myself interpreted it as I should Hate them. And growing up thats what I did even though I still had family that were Christians it was also my desire for them to believe in the message of Islam.

I think in the year of 2001 my view of what Islam was took a dramatic knock. The year the twin towers were bombed in the U.S.A...

I couldnt believe that what they did was right it wasnt what I was taught at madressa and the worst part was how proud the old folk were when people would associate the muslims with Osama bin Laden. Scary!

At that time I felt ashamed of being a muslim... and I got tired of being a Muslim only once a year in Ramadaan... I felt so empty and alone... Always feeling guilty! I didnt know what love was. But now I know that God is Love and I have now been redeemed from the curse of the Law because of Jesus Christ

I am redeemed bought with a price! JESUS has changed my whole life; if anybody asks you. Just who I am? tell them I am Redeemed.

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