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"Why do you have to go?", she asked.

"Because", he started, running his hand through his (brown/blonde/black/white) hair. "Business makes me go elsewhere."

Tears started welling up in her eyes.
The little girl pulled him closer to her, embracing him in a hug.

"You know what?"
(Y/n) smiled.
"One day, when we meet again, I want to marry you."
"Marry me?" He laughed.
"Like the adults do?"
She held onto your white silk scarf he bought for her.
"Yes, we're friends, aren't we? That's what friends do."
They pulled apart, and the girl extended her hand, holding her pinky finger in front of him.

"Promise me, okay? When we meet again, I'll marry you."
The boy smiled and wrapped his pinky finger around hers.
"Alright, I promise."

The girl pulled her hand away and hugged him again.
"I'll miss you."
The boy looked at her with a hint of guilt in his eyes.
"I'll miss you too."

He turned around swiftly, gritting his teeth, trying to keep himself from crying.
Every step he took, every step that increased the distance between them hurt.
Hearing the whimpers of his friend, he was unable to keep the tears from flowing.

She shook her head and walked away from the fountain.
That's where they first met, that's where he gave her the silk scarf, that's where they would go when it wasn't very pretty at home.
They were children, but they just felt the most beautiful thing they could feel.
Joy, happiness, love.
She wiped her tears away as she crossed the street.
(Y/n) gazed at her house and frowned.
She'd be alone again while her parents were either fighting or working.

And suddenly she heard a car horn and turned her head around.

She started running.

But it was too late.

Chasing Memories - 2p!Axis x Assassin!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now