MC's P.O.V.

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"Hahh" I sighed, as I waited for someone at a cafe which apparently was one of the places which I visited a lot.
It was a very peculiar place, yet for me it felt like the most normal one.

The next thing I felt was a shake on my back , "Boo!". I woke up with a jerk, half awake and half scared to death, and looked behind me.
"Aww~ Missed me?"

I could have recognised this voice even if I was riding a boat on the Sanzu river ( or if you may call it, River Styx). It belonged to him. The one I have been waiting for.
I soon realised that I must have dozed off while I was imagining various scenarios starring me and him of what we could do on our little rendezvous today.
It was then that I came to my senses.

I followed him with my eyes as he went to his chair. "Were you... just now perhaps... Daydreaming about me?" He asked playfully, his gaze measuring the depth of my eyes.
"Huh! As if that's the only thing I do in the whole world!" I replied, trying to be sarcastic. And he knows fully well how bad I am at it.
"Well~ but aren't I your 'whole world'?" He asked me with a sly smile.
"Huh! Wha-!?, No" I retort. He gave me a keen look.
"Well maybe!" I replied again
"Okay! Yes, you are! Are you happy now?" I corrected myself for the last time.
"Ve~~ry happy" he gave a smile so dazzaling,
He looked his best when he smiled, and I just loved looking at him when he smiles.
Well I do love to see his different faces and expressions, but the one where he smiles so brightly is the best. I couldn't help but smile myself.
"I missed you..." He said, softly holding my hand.
"Then you should have come earlier! I waited for so long here"I scoffed, and a little pout appeared on my face.
"I am sorry, but I could have woken you up a bit earlier."
"Huh! What do you mean?"
"Well, how could I resist the temptation of seeing your peacefully happy sleeping face? Uh-hun! Not a chance. I just had to capture that pretty face of yours in my heart!"
I was shocked and I said " That's unfair! I get to see you a little less if you do that. But is okay, you were still here with me so its fine."

"So what do you wanna have?" He asked,
I pretend to scour through the menu, and said "Cappuccino!"
"Like always! You order the same thing." He smiled.
"Well it IS great! You have to try it!"
"Okay I will have it if you insist."
"Teehee~" I goofily let out a laugh.
Then I went to the counter and get the cappuccino mix. The tray consisted a cappuccino cream, some milk, sugar, cups and spoon.
I brought it to the table.
"What's with this kind of coffee, where you have to make it on your own.?!" He seemed puzzled.
"Well we get to make it on our own, that's why I love it here. And I get to make you a cup, so I am happy~."
I begin to make the coffee. I reached the water dispenser for hot water. A little misjudgement, and the water fell on my hand instead of landing in the cup.
I let out a shriek but covered my mouth almost immediately so that he won't notice, but he reached for my hand almost immediately, to check the burn.
"Why do you always have to be so clumsy?" He shouted angrily, but I could see that he was worried.
I gave out a little laugh and said. "Well so you could always come to my rescue. A good enough reason?"
"Ano baka!" He flicked a finger on my forehead. Just so you guys know it means 'you idiot'.
"I will get the water, you make the rest of coffee, okay?" He asked a request which was more of an order.
"Fine! Will do." I mix the cappuccino mix and put just the right amount of water and milk and sugar and served him the cup I made especially for him.
He took a sip, and was amazed. "Hmm, it really is great!. It was worth it!"
Well, It made me really happy, just looking at his satisfied face made my effort worth it.

"So what do we have in plan next? I asked him.
He replied, "care to join me while I study?"
"Where are you going to study? At the library?" I asked.
He replied in affirmative.
"Sure! Then I will get to see your 'serious-while-studing'-face!" I let out a bi~g smile. So he let out a bi~~g smile too.

We walked down the road to the library he usually goes to.
Our hands intertwined, we walk silently.
I can feel his warmth through his hand, cozy enough to warm my cold hands.
I can feel his presence besides me, taking every shred of loneliness within me.
I wonder if all of it is real. Well it feels real to me. I just hope we could stay like this forever.
"Yeah! Me too. I hope we stay like this forever." He replied as if he knew what I was thinking.
"Did I just say that out loud or what-?" I asked frantically.
"Naw! You didn't utter a word. I just recieved it with my mind's antenna"
"That's silly" I laughed.
"You really laugh a lot" he tightens the grip on my hand.
"Well I am really happy when I am with you" I held his hand even tighter.
He pulled me towards him as I was just about to step into the library building.
I faced him. He cupped me cheeks with his hand, and placed his lips on my forehead as it transformed into a gentle kiss.
I could really feel the care in his touch.
"Then stay by my side, always! And never let go of this hand, Okay?" His voice sounded like a gentle plea.
"Like I would ever leave your side. I will always be besides you." I cupped his hands back which cupped my cheeks. "Shall we enter now?"

We entered the library and took the seat. It was the same seat he always took, it had a familiar feeling to it. Like it is also one of his constants like mine was the cappuccino.
He took out his books and opened them.
I didn't bring my books so I just took a look around the the library for a while till I found the magazine rack. It had a magazine with a cover featuring my special someone, my boyfriend.
I took it from the shelf and took it to my seat.
"Let's see what you have there!" He grabbed my free hand to pull me closer.
"Un-hun! It's a secret"
"Lemme see! Wanna know what peaked your interest in the library" he wispered in my ear.
I, preventing myself for falling for him all over again, pulled that magazine closer to my chest.
He pulled me harder, this time to make me sit on his lap. He gave me a big warm back-huggie. It felt so~ real! I could die for this moment.
"Hey! Where that magazine is, that is my rightful spot." He whispered in my ear again.
I blush hard at what he just said.
"You know, you are very dangerous(for my heart)!."
He laughs a little still holdong me in his arms, his touch felt so real and warm, yet so surreal. I just want to be in his arms forever.
Right now this moment felt so happy, I couldn't ask for anything more.
"But why does this all feel so distant?" I whisper to myself.
But it is heard by him. "What feels so distant? Your crush who's featuring this magazine that you are trying to protect with your life?" He said in a not so merry voice.
I turn to face him, "aww~ I can see someone pouting over a mere magazine cover. Well its my crush tho. Has always been."
I could read 'jealousy' all over his face. This is soo amusing. But why do I have this wierd feeling like it will all just vanish any second now. Like if I don't hold on to this moment, if I don't cherish it, it will fade, it will all fade away.

Suddenly he loosens the book from my grip and put it on the table. "Look what do we have here. And I got all jelly just because you had a magazine featuring me?"
"So you admit it, that you were jealous?" I poked him.
"Yeah! Damn right I was. I have all the right to be possessive about my girl and her interests." "Let's see what's written on it" as I began to read, it mentioned his name.
But it all started to get hazy.
"What's happening?!" I let out a cry.
But he didn't listen. I felt a weird feeling.
As if it is disappearing. I tried to called out his name, but it didn't come out of my mouth. As if I am not able to speak anymore. His body which was in close proximity with my back, his head which was resting on my shoulder, his breath which I could feel on the nape of my neck, suddenly all started to fade away. "Don't leave me!! I don't want to be lonely anymore!!" Tears well up in my eyes.
I tried to call out his name once more but instead of not being able to come out of my mouth, it was as if I had forgotten the name of the one I held dear to me. It all disappeared.
What left was the traces of his presence, the lingering feeling of his warmth, the sensations that ran thoughout my body when I was by his side and the memory of a dream.
As I slowly opened my eyes, tear drops slide down my face. I was lying on the couch, in the drawing room. Maybe I fell asleep here.
My mom approached me and said, " if you have had enough of sleep then help me put away these clothes."
Hiding my tears from her, I ran towards my room and hid. All that running made me feel tired and I don't know why but this feeling won't leave me. It was hovering over me. And suddenly it felt all wierd again. As if a deja vu.
It all started to fade away, disappeared within a second as I woke up again, this time realizing I was in my bedroom, tears all over my face, the warmth of his arms, the pressure of his neck, his breath, his smile, his presence, everything was as if it happened just right now. I don't know how but I could feel it all still lingering around me. It felt very lonely, very very lonely. As if I just lost some one dear to me. As if I was really left behind. As if I will miss that person. I just couldn't stop my tears. They were flowing on there own.
I had these weird thoughts while I was crying, "what if I will be left behind like this in real life too?", "What if I become lonely again?", "I want to love someone too, but what if he disappeares one day just like this dream?". Weird thoughts just kept coming for a while, until the tears stopped flowing.

Then I thought to myself, "did I just woke up from a dream, in which I was dreaming about going on a date with the person I like?"
"And what was wrong with me! Why was my boyfriend THE 'LEE MIN HO'. Well figures how he was on that magazine cover."
I let out a small chuckle. Afterall I have been  watching so many korean dramas recently, and the one I saw recently starring Lee MinHo, I could now feel what he felt like when his loved one was separated from him. Aww poor him.
Still having this uncanny feeling, since that feeling still didn't disappear, I realised it was a midsummer night's dream within a  dream.
"Hahh!!" I sighed again. Then suddenly I realised-
"What was with that kind of coffee, where you have to make it on your own.?!, It was really a wierd place. I really had this feeling that it all was not real. Still my dreams never fail to surprise me. As expected!"

                                       -THE END

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