It Never Gets Easier

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It Never Gets Easier

29th November 2041

Jace's POV

"Dad? Do we have to go? It's our time with you." Lily said sadly, just hearing how upset she is, upsets me. I'm not too impressed with Tahni's parents wanting to take the girls to some family reunion tonight. They know it's my week with my girls but planned this thing anyways. I've never liked them and never will. They have caused me so much pain already and it seems to be continuing now ten years later. I guess they are always going to be around, I just wish they weren't.

"It's only for tonight, you'll be back in the morning." I gave her a smile and hoped that her grandparents returned them at the time promised. Shit will hit the fan if they delay dropping them back to me just to piss me off. Tahni will be with them, so I know she'll make sure they it happens. It's hard enough now and I'm about to lose almost a day out of my time just for those old bastards.

"Can we still go to the beach tomorrow?" she asked as she slipped her shoes on. She's wearing a nice floral dress and Izzy had come over after they had gotten home from school to do their hair for me. Lily's hair is so long and me being a boy, I have no clue how to do their hair. So I arranged for Izz to help, they had fun but I got a little annoyed with my sister because she thought it'd be nice for Lily to wear a little make up. It was only a little bit of lip gloss but it's starting already.

"Sure can, Lily Pad." I chuckled as I used the nickname she hates. She threw her pillow at me and then finished packing her overnight bag. Leaving her to do what she needed, I headed to the twins room to make sure they were almost ready. Now that they won't be here for dinner, I'm thinking I might head to the pub for a meal and a few drinks with Brit. She got really excited when I told her I was free for the night.

"Do we look pretty Daddy?" Both Em and Roo said at the same time. I stood by the door and admired them as they looked in the mirror. Their teenage years are going to be an awesome time, those crazy chick hormones and making sure they look pretty all the time. Make up, dresses, shoes, it's something to look forward too. NOT. But the scary part is the moment they tell me they've met a boy. Tahni and I started going out in year eight and look where that got us. Pregnant at fifteen.

"Very pretty. You be good tonight and listen to your mother." I warned them playfully. They can get up to mischief from time to time. Must be a Taylor twin trait that they team up and cause the most trouble. Take Cade and Aidan for example, Nick and Izzy done their fair share as well. So it's no wonder my twins picked up on some of that. Soon it will be Roxy and Knox, fun times ahead.

"Yes Daddy." they said together. That's another thing, as cute as it is that they talk at the same time, it can get very annoying. But they are still at that cute age where I love it when they do that. My smile dropped when I heard the door bell, that only means one thing. Taking my time to go and answer it, I looked through the peep hole and saw the wicked witch herself standing there. Tahni's Mum, Genevieve, is a fucking old hag. Plastering on my best fake smile, I opened the door and almost choked on her intoxicating perfume. Did she use the whole bottle? She fucking stinks.

"Jason." she said with her nose up in the air. Still after all these years she can't get my name right. I don't even both correcting her anymore because I know it annoys her more when I go along with it.

"Nice to see you again, Genevieve. The girls will be out in a minute." I said as I leaned up against the door frame. Their car was parked in the driveway and Tahni's Dad, John was looking all bored in the drivers seat. I knew he wouldn't get out and I wouldn't have want him to anyways. I'll never forget what he done, that day he took everything from me and Tahni when she was pregnant with Lily. I missed her birth and most the first year of my baby girls life. Stolen because of him.

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