Time Share

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Time Share

15th December 2041 (McKenna 31 wks and 3 days)

Jace's POV

I'll be there about nine. Sorry it's earlier than we arranged but Josh has a business trip this week and he wants us all to go, our flight leaves at twelve. Can you have them ready and packed before I get there. Thanks Jace

After reading that, I threw my phone hard across the room and it had actually put a small dent in the plaster. Not only that but I'm pretty sure I just cracked the screen which is just fucking perfect. This is what I hate the most. The part where she thinks that I'd be happy for her to pick them up earlier than what we arranged in the first place. I was meant to have them here until around three this afternoon, so I'm losing six hours with them. All so they can go on some fucking trip.

This is so fucked up. I never thought that one day I'd be sharing my time with my daughters. Never. And every time this happens, it just pisses me off even more. I don't even have my pregnant girlfriend here with me, that too feels like I am only getting her part time.

"Dad." Lily's voice was soft as she opened my bedroom door. As it opened I saw her head look around to see if it was okay for her to come in. I smiled and held my arms up for her to come and lay with me in bed. I love holding her and just cuddling up close to her. She's my first born baby, my little Lily Pad.

"Come lay with me pumpkin." I smiled and lifted the blanket next to me so she could jump in with me. She grinned and ran, then pounced on the bed. Once she was beside me, I covered her back up and wrapped my arm around her so I could hug her.

"I don't like Sundays." she whispered sadly, I pulled her even closer and she rested her head on my chest. I've also had to learn to wear pj's to bed whenever the girls are home with me. I don't need to scare them half to death if they accidentally see me naked or at times like this when they want to have cuddles in my bed.

"Me either. But I like them too on the days when I get to see you again." I said softly and started to play with a few strands of her hair.

"Do I have to go? Can I stay with you?" she asked and then moved back and gave me those eyes again. I sighed and wished that I could say yes but I can't. I'm lucky I even get to have them for a full week at a time, other separated Dad's I know only get their kids a weekend a fortnight. Well, the two that I have met while picking the girls up from school. I envy Cade a lot as he doesn't even have to worry about splitting Mia with Annabelle. Stupid bitch didn't even want her own child. That is even more fucked up.

"Sorry Lil, I don't know if that's possible. I'd love it if you could stay longer but it's your Mum's time with you." her face dropped and then she rested her head back on my chest and sighed sadly. I wish that I never put them through this, that they would always have the both of us around.
It's these little bits of time that get taken from me that are really starting to get to me. She could've at least asked me a few days ago, not sending me a text at fucking six thirty in the morning. Now I only have a couple more hours with them.

"What about Christmas Day? What happens then?" she asked and I had totally forgot about it. Even with the house decorated and the tree up, the few gifts I've put under the tree already. I had forgotten what Tahni and I had arranged for Christmas Day. It's my week to have the girls but I know their Mum wants to have them for some of the day. Again taking time out of my allocated time. All I know is that the family are getting together at Brax and Lexi's for a big lunch.

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