The one with the secrets

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Chapter 7

"so the weather is getting nicer" MJ's voice graces the air as she slides her dinner tray across the metal table, "we should go camping"
Peter and Ned had decided to migrate outside on this sudden hot Monday afternoon. They reside under a tall oak tree, golden streams of light diffusing through the vibrant leaves, sheltering Peter's pale skin from the harsh UV rays.
"oh here we go- do you remember what happened last time we tried to do something? Killer drones cornered you, flash, betty and happy in the tower of London" Peter exclaims picking up his ham and cheese sandwich from the tray.
"yes I remember very vividly- who's fault was that again?" MJ teased grinning at Peter, her eyes lighting up, shining bright in the midday sun. she reached over to peters tray and swapped his Pear for her Red apple, "pears are superior to apples change my mind"
"where would we even go camping? central park?" ned questions, staring at the brunette with a quizzical look. when she gets an idea in her head it will happen regardless of how bizarre it is.
"no- that's illegal- my parents used to take me camping every year for the fourth of July at a campsite upstate my dad can get us free tickets for the bus up there" MJ explains biting into the pear that peter didn't even protest. Ned and peter trade a look.
"Sounds fun, I've never been camping" peter agreed.
suddenly the hairs on peters arm stood up on its ends and before he can turn around to see what his extra sense was alerting him about, a pair of strong hands grip his shoulders.
"boo!" Noah yells grabbing peter's shoulders causing him to leap out of his skin, Noah could feel tingles dancing over his palms as peter let out a startled yelp.
"Jesus Christ" peter hisses looking over his shoulder at the other boy who had been missing since their late-night rendezvous in Brooklyn.
"no im noah" he chirps giving peters shoulders a tight squeeze, feeling all the tense muscles under his fingers. Peter whined in pain and squirmed away.
"Jesus parker, why so tense?" Noah instinctively began digging his thumbs into peter's shoulder blades, undoing the knots in his muscles. if Peter wasn't sat in the school outdoor cafeteria surrounded by people he would've sat there forever, loving the feeling of Noah's calloused hands touching him but he was painfully aware of MJ and Ned's gaze.  the butterflies bursting in his stomach and his inner closeted queer jumped out and peter ducked out of Noah's grasp, swatting his hands away.

"my stupid spider-sense doesn't work" peter mutters as Noah sat down next to MJ.

both MJ and Ned stared wide-eyed at peter and then to Noah as they realize what Peter had just said, basically outing himself as spider-man in front of Noah, "dude" Ned nudges peter under the table and peter pulled a face of annoyance.

"spider-sense? wait peter are you spider-man?" Noah gasps in a hushed tone, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"shut up asshole" Noah recoils in shock at the insult that fell from peters mouth.

"now, now spidey no need for the harsh words" Noah scolds a playful smirk playing on his lips, as he chewed his gum.

Peter had to look away from Noah before he got another tent in his pants, his brain was trying the fathom how someone could have such an effect on his body from a simple smile.

"wait- Noah knows?"ned whispers leaning forward towards peter.

"yeah, Noah knows" Noah also leans forward and whispers to ned.

a look flashed across Ned's face that was hardly noticeable but MJ caught it. it was a look of jealousy and annoyance.

"what? how?" MJ chimes in.

"got a very a panicked phone call late on Friday night and I had to drag spider-mans corpse from Brooklyn to the lovely- and hot- aunt mays apartment" Noah winked at peter before resting his elbows on the table. "totally ruined the date I was on"

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