Prologue: Summer Break

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A month before school

I breathe in the ocean air and wriggle my toes in the sand. I can't believe my parents got me and my two besties on a trip to Hawaii. This could be the best summer break ever.

I look to my left to find Raquel Anderson. She has her black bikini on and holds up the ok magazine. Raquel has a beautiful body. It's almost tanned like a models. Her brown hair also looks silky and smooth. While my light brown hair is a poor excuse of fashionable.

To my right is Juliet Oscars. She has dirty blonde hair and loves swimming. Her skin is not so tanned cause she hates the sun. Her exact words were...

'I'd rather not get skin cancer or even put my body out in display. Plus my body can't get'll be pink within twenty minutes'

I smile at the memory and look back at the sky. I can't believe we're gonna be in high school. I've been dreaming of this moment for like...ever! The three of us together as usual. Nothing can or will break us apart. I know and can feel it.

"Lily! Raquel! Juliet! Come in to get food!" mom calls and we all get up. I look down at my body to find my body pale as usual. At least my blue striped bikini doesn't make my skin look that pale.

"God...that tan session was so good," Raquel says while stretching. I chuckle and stretch as well. I look at Juliet who's shaking her head slowly.

"You'll get skin cancer."

"Juliet stop being such a buzz kill. We're on vacation. It couldn't hurt for you to show that you're having fun," Raquel tells her. Juliet scowls at her before putting her book into her bag.

Instead of wearing a swim suit she decides to wear booty shorts and a white crop top.

"I was having fun."

"Doing what? Reading Romeo and Juliet?" I laugh at Raquel's reference. Juliet glares at me before answering Raquel.

"Nope. Checking out those surfers. They looked hot!" She looks back and links her lips. Raquel also turns back and freezes. I do the same and find four of them walking towards us.

My heart starts thumping faster and my mouth gets dryer.

"Hey girls wait up!" I look at Raquel who's grinning and Juliet who's smirking at them.

"Are they talking to us?" I ask either one of them and they both nod.

"Behind us are a bunch of teens playing volleyball so...yeah. They're talking to us." I take a huge gulp when they reach us.

"So ladies...we saw you at the beach relaxing. How about we all hang out tonight at the beach party later?" They suggest and we all nod. The blonde guy chuckles along with his other friends except one.

I swear I've seen that guy before. His coal black hair whipped to the side. Emerald green eyes with several meanings to them. Hands inside his shorts pockets and a hard look on his face. I think he's a year above us.

He's pretty cute and all just...doesn't seem to be the talkative type. It seems like he's locking everyone out. I wonder why? Wait...I don't know him! How can I start judging him if I don't know him?

"So, we'll see you tonight then," the blonde says and we all nod. They wave goodbye and walk off.

"I can't believe it! We're so going to that party tonight!" Juliet says and Raquel agrees.

"Totally!" They both scream and jump up and down like little girls.

"Girls!" mom yells and we all start walking to the restaurant. Raquel and Juliet start talking about what they are gonna wear while I think of that boy.

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