chapter 11

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:I was trying to take cute selfie 😑Likes:19,939COMMENTS Prince_snakeboi:I'm sorry

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:I was trying to take cute selfie 😑
Prince_snakeboi:I'm sorry...I thought you liked my kisses...
|The_f'n_chosen_1:I DO!!|

Maxwell_bich:poor draco he just wants to give you love potter JEEZ
|The_f'n_chosen_1:I WASN'T COMPLAINING|


:I dont know why my spine look like thisLikes:20,883COMMENTS Maxwell_bich:I dont know either

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:I dont know why my spine look like this
Maxwell_bich:I dont know either

420_blaise_it:why is there a cross in the background?
|Prince_snakeboi:it was a gift|

The_f'n_chosen_1:Who toke this picture?! Why are you taking your shirt off?and can I come over
|Prince_snakeboi:me,because I can, and yes|



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:me 5/7. Ginny 2/7


:pika-pika!COMMENTS pan_pan_sexual: lol

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pan_pan_sexual: lol

|Maxwell_bich: pika-chu!|



:chilling with blaiseLikes:14,967COMMENTS 420_blaise_it:yep we ganna go on an adventure

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:chilling with blaise
420_blaise_it:yep we ganna go on an adventure


:I love you Pansy Perkinson Likes:17,756COMMENTS Disabled

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:I love you Pansy Perkinson

*harry's pov*

I'm walking to draco's place, when I finally get there I knock on his door he opens the door with his shirt off "hey harry" he says welcoming me in I walk in and sit on his couch he walks over and sit on my lap cuddling up to me "draco" "hmm" is all get in a response he moves and sits where both of his legs are on my either side of me and kisses me I place my hands on his ass and kiss him back then he does something I wasn't expected he moves his hips/butt against my crotch I start to hard and I feel that he is getting hard too he pulls away from me "I'm sorry" he says as he stop moving his hips/butt I grip his hips with one hand pull his neck towards my mouth I start to kiss and lick his neck I'm searching for his sweet spot I find it and i bite down and he gasp "ahhaha~" he moans as i kiss and suck  I felt bad after my annoyance with him it wasn't his fault he didn't I was taking a picture he tries to pull his neck away I guess not wanting a big hickey "harry~"he whispers/moans in my ear making my dick twitch "yes baby" I say then I bite his sweet spot "ahh~ I love you!~" he says panting I stop what I'm doing look at him he suddenly the lust in his eyes goes to sadness, worry, I stare deeply into his eyes I blush deeply "I love you too!" I smile and laugh little and hug him tightly he cuddles up to me, I start feeling my shirt getting wet "baby what's wrong" I say lifting him up and  my heart drops to see him in tears I cup his face and wipe his eyes "why are you crying" I ask him "I-I... sorry I got your shirt wet" he says chuckled a little

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