The Truth About My Mental Health

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Okay this is going to be a rough topic. Stay with me please.

Before we jump into this, I just want to say that not everyone deals with this, and some people deal with a worse version of what I suffer from. Just because my case is not as severe doesn't make it any less real. So if y'all are to comment (even though people rarely do), please don't say anything like "but you don't have it as bad as other people" or "just try harder it gets better!" Let me be upset. Let me deal with it how I need to deal with it. In the end, if it's dealt with properly, I'm fine.


Anxiety is a very real thing that I suffer from. I've suffered from Anxiety and stress for years. Pretty much my entire life. Ever since I was 6 I've been putting pressure on myself to get all A's so you can get into the college you want. Make friends or you won't be happy. If you don't do this good enough you won't be successful. You'll be a failure. I have a very negative view of myself, and sometimes I feel a bit depressed. I don't know that I have depression per se, but there are days (especially recently) that I have felt less than okay. It sucks that I have to deal with this awful mental health issue, but it's life at this point. Okay like, I've been so stressed out that I've made myself physically sick. It's really bad. I've had anxiety attacks in school before. It's not good. Sometimes I feel as though my voice is not heard by my close friends when I speak and then I think, why am I even speaking at all? Why do I bother? It sucks.


That's just a little into the aspects of me. Um, I hope this wasn't too dark or depressing for y'all but oh well.

If y'all have dealt with a mental health issue and you know how to make it better, please tell me your tips and tricks. I'd love to not feel this way.

I love you all!

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